Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: HellShell

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42365063

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 727 Hours

Real Age: 16

How many RP points do you have?: Currently 10.

How many bans do you have?: 4, all of them under 24 hours in case your interested and my last ban was over a year ago.

In-Character Information

Personal Information: No parents, family, focusses on nothing but his job and makes sure to get it done.

Full Name: Eric Adams.

Code name: Hell

Age: 33 years old.

Nationality: American / Dutch

Personal traits: Serious, gets the job done.

Tell us about him and his history:

Eric grew up in the bad parts of EvoCity, called the Slums. His father was a Police Officer and his mom was always at home to take care of him.

One day, Eric and his parents were eating lunch, when someone knocked on the door. No visitors were expected at that time so his father looked out of the window carefully, he noticed two men but their body was not fully visible. He went to the door and opened it, at first they were nice, offering some kind of product, but before he could answer them... They pulled out 2 pistols, they pushed him into the living room, Eric ran and hid in a closet, he was looking through a keyhole at what was happening. His father tried to get his own pistol, and when he wanted to shoot, he was shot in his chest several times. They killed Eric's mother as she was a witness. When they were about to leave, they noticed a third plate on the table. That was enough to realise that someone had seen it happening, they searched the house, and when they checked the room of Eric's parents, he ran out of the closet, he ran outside and hid in a trash can, the men left and eric sat on the floor, next to his parents untill a bystander came and the police was called.

He finished law school and joined the EC:PD, one day when he was about to go home, his supervisor called him to his office. He said someone wanted to speak to him in the meeting room. He entered the room and noticed 2 men in suits talking. He walked to a chair infront of them and sat on it. He soon noticed that it was the CEO and his right hand of the Slyfox Security Corporation, they offered him a job and he took it. He went through a 2 year training where he learned all non-lethal and lethal fighting techniques, his main profession was stealth and long range and medium range combat with rifles. He started out as a security guard for VIP's, but slowly worked his way up. He got into a special task force where he worked for several years, then he got into the Office, this was the highest possible position he could get, he had to learn everything of each division, he learned Science from the inside, all other divisions weren't new to him as he had been there.
He resigned from his position after more than 6 years of service and was awarded multiple badges. He is now ready for more.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I have recently returned from a long break and I've been very interested in Estleback, the RP's are great and I know a lot of the people that are in the clan, It'd be great to be apart of the clan.

What division are you applying for?: The Security division.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes, was part of the Slyfox Security Corporation for a long time.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? Slyfox Security Corporation, Umbrella Corporation ( left that out in the story ).

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Hostage, Myfloodify, Humla, Freezak, Deriptz.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 9

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 7-8

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes I do.
The following 3 users Like HellShell's post:
  • Floodify, Donuts, Von Tempski

today one of the finest Construction Engineers Eric Ambler (Rock Hunter), made the Corporation a new fresh, unique and modern Head Quarters. The new Head Quarters is located close to the Pool, outside the city. The project has been ongoing since last year and have only recently started to being built. Updates may happen, such as interior design and such.

The blueprints are safely stored and will not be released unless deemed necessary. Here is a couple of pictures of it.

[Image: 2014-02-10_00007_zps6ad0e7b5.jpg]
[Image: 2014-02-10_00008_zpsb94b8761.jpg]
[Image: 2014-02-10_00010_zpsa39b7a3d.jpg]

Kind Regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]
Kind Regards,
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  • CorieTheNub, Ne0ster, Morbid, NotSep, Donuts
Estleback Corporation,

Over the last 4 months I have had the pleasure to work with all of you closely, and this is why I am finding it so hard to leave you all. But sadly its the decision I have made, I hope to stay in touch with most of you and to continue the relationships I have found and strengthened while a part of the Corporation, I’m not one for speeches so i’ll leave you with a few memories and members that have played a huge part of my life on FL.

When I first joined fearless my first memory is walking in front of a speeding car only to be whisked off to a nearby rooftop by adman. From this rooftop I saw a circular sign with the letters ‘EBC’ written over it. This is my first memory of the corporation probably within 5 minutes of joining the servers for the first time. Ever since I was slightly intrigued by Estleback Corporation.

I made the choice to make friends with “Zaeed Massani” who encouraged me to develop my skills and pursue a position in FUMUKU International, one I do not regret. I was mentored by “Blackdog” in a sense, he told be of the old FL, its wars and problems and helped me mature as an RPer. I took these skills and decided to move on, after a week I was a newly hired agent in the corporation.

Right from the start I wanted to make something of myself, with a few bans already under my belt for stupid and illogical errors of judgment on my part. I decided Estleback was the place to make a reputation for myself, I succeeded. less than 4 weeks later I was Deputy Director of the corporation, close friends with 90% of the members and feeling invincible.

I’d had a few bumps along the way with my aforementioned bans plus a few failed idea’s and drafts sent to Flood. But I came out on top and valued the struggle.

Now I feel its my time to take leave from Estleback Corporation Permanently I feel I have given you all I can and there is no point staying and weighing you down. The realisation struck me after my recent ban, I am incapable of being a clean player as I just go with my instinct (Ironic aye?) and don’t listen to my head which in truth gets me in a whole pile of shit.

The moral of this message is this:

“Listen to your head, not your heart. Do not betray your wiser judgment.”
- Professional_instinct 2014


Adman: Saving me from that car.
Zaeed: Pushing me when I needed it.
Blackdog: Being a mentor to me even if you didn't notice.
Link66: Being the role model I based myself on. (As DD)
Myfloodify: Being a great friend and leader.
Nub Aka Martin: Teaching me the RP basics.
And Enzyme: For being a great friend and the one admin I trusted with accurate judgment.

This is also gives notice of my leavature of FL as whole.

Yours sincerely,

(Shed more than a few tears writing this.)


I'm leaving Estleback and FL and I'm sad to leave you all.

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

The following 5 users Like D0ctor's post:
  • Floodify, Donuts, CorieTheNub, Link, Kulthro
It's sad to hear that you're leaving. It was great working with you and you always made everyones day! I wish you good luck in the future and have fun!

We all probably hope to see you here one day again saying Hello! Smile
The following 2 users Like Donuts's post:
  • D0ctor, Floodify
Professional_Instinct, I've already told you many time in Steam how much I am sorry about your departure and some of my decisions, but lives go on. You brought us a lot of new stuff and ideas, and that will truly make the Corporation be better.

You're always welcome back, maybe not as Deputy Director, but you will always be a part of the clan. Goodbye Instinct, good luck with your life!
Kind Regards,
The following 3 users Like Floodify's post:
  • D0ctor, Donuts, CorieTheNub
Goodbye instinct, it was a pity that i didn't get to join you in any major clan RPs. I wish you luck on your future endeavors.

The following 3 users Like Ne0ster's post:
  • D0ctor, Floodify, CorieTheNub
Sort of crying right now. It's sad to see you leave. <3

Good luck in the future prof! You can always contact me via steam, email or even mah skype or phone.

The following 4 users Like De CodeerHeer's post:
  • Floodify, D0ctor, NotSep, CorieTheNub
The following 2 users Like CorieTheNub's post:
  • D0ctor, Wood
Goodbye Instinct. You'll be much missed and there will be a huge gap left in the corporation with you gone. From the day you joined you supported me in my roles and even employed me into the legal department. We did well in the MoP v EBC case. You got us the contacts we needed and always kept hopes high. You deserved the role you was given in EBC and you did it well.

I wish you so much luck in the future, If you need someone for help, I'm here. Goodbye friend! Keep in contact on steam.
Kind Regards,
The following 1 user Likes Wood's post:
  • D0ctor
Good bye, I'm going to miss you and I think we can all the say the clan we love today wouldn't be anywhere near what it is today without your help. Thanks man.

Kind regards
Welsh Donator
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