Ban request (Muffinmanden and $wag)
Name of player: Muffinmanden and $wag

Muffinmanden: Mathiasray3
Kagemanden aka $wag: This was his old 43873
He made a new one ($wag) so double account = perm ban

Time in GMT: 17.20 Paris time

Server: V33x

Summary: He random tazed me and tried to kill me. After some time he CMD me.
Same with muffinmanden.

Evidence:: Here's evidence.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
im agree
WHAT THE FUCK?!!? I didn't random taze you ignore the police and running from the police?
Give the actual SteamIDs instead of some unknown numbers.
And i'm not Kagemanden, Kagemanden it's Muffinmanden skype! And you told us we want to hold the police away so you could make contrabands u give us 1000 for it!
(02-09-2014, 05:34 PM)Freezak Wrote: Give the actual SteamIDs instead of some unknown numbers.
Mathiasray3 I think that is his id.
All permed for multi-accounting.

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