Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] The Godfather

Your ban ID: 44007

Banned by: [FL:M] Verzyn

Reason: "Disconnecting to avoid an RP situation"

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Have absolutley no idea why i was banned, last thing i remember was driving in my car, then turning my pc off by the plug, tried to rejoin looking forward to play but realised that i was banned. If i am not unbanned, at least a small amount of clarification would be nice.
You ran somebody over, Jonesy who was a police officer at the time walked up to your car with an MP5 and you instantly disconnected to avoid the RP situation.
To be completley honest, why was he in the middle of the road, and why did he have a gun to me. I dont remember hitting him and if i did i would of called a medic, i was blacklisted once for not calling a medic and from then i always have. In my opinion this ban was unfair.
You didn't hit Jonesy (Cop), you hit another user then Jonesy approached you because he say the situation.
I dont understand though. I cant recall hitting the person, because i had disconnected at the time; Yet somebody reported me? If i had left to avoid the situation, i would of said something first, but i didnt reply/move/anything because i werent there...
I checked the logs at the time and it confirmed that you ran someone over then proceeded to disconnect.

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