Ban Request On ThaKid
Name of player: ThaKid

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76692034

Time in GMT: Like 12:30 am

Server: v33x

Summary: he just tryed to prop kill me ... and after that he said that he try to prop push and not to prop kill.. (no evidence)

Evidence: (trying to prop kill) (trying to prop kill) (trying to prop kill) (trying to prop kill) (see hes name)
I guess the whole v33x is against me..... Ok like i said. last time played.
Nobody is against you when you dont break Rules every 10 minutes
(02-06-2014, 02:16 PM)Totaku Wrote: I guess the whole v33x is against me..... Ok like i said. last time played.

No, you're against FL if you can't read, understand and follow the rules.


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