Ban Request xXMrHappyXx, ThaKid
Name: xXMrHappyXx,ThaKid

Steam-ID: xXMrHappyXx: STEAM_0:0:32890399 ThaKid: STEAM_0:0:76692034

Time in GTM: 12:32

Server: v33x

Summary: First the Guys random Crack my Keypad in the Nexus Lobby than the Guys try do Random Raiding the President then he Random Shooting and Killing me.When i respawned i go with the Elevator down in the Nexus Lobby and see the guys Random Crack my Keypad again so i taze ThaKid then come xXMrHappyXx and Random shoot me again when i take out my Gun he run to the Keypad. And kill his Friend ThaKid he Jumpt on him when he was taze and die then.ThaKid insulted me in the OOC i take Screenshots and the Rest i recorded.Another thing is the Guys based togtether and had Contras in the Apartements and i think BMD and Gun Dealers not allowed to Base and have Contras.


Screenshots that ThaKid insulted me:
Sincerely! I am never playing on V33x! People there are totaly retarded! My apartaments was raided by This guy (who posted up this BR). Because someone told him that there is contra in my apartament! (there came that "yo mamas pussy stinks). Seriously! You cannot raid an apartament because someone told you to!

2nd of. That was not a raid! So why did we kill the officer? Because he would ignore fearRP like 90% of players in this servers!

3rd of. How many times I have to tell you! Only because i put my "gunshop" in the apartaments, does not mean its a base! And as i told you before, there is no rule stating that I as a gundealer (or whatever) cannot have contra in my apartament/store, only if its unreachable (blocked by props) or its located on the main city street!

So the only rule i might have broken is (i dont even know if it counts) usin a keycracker on a keypad as a gundealer. Thats it. I`ve read the rules, and by the rules I am innocent! No?! - Then update rules with everything that is needed!

And for the reccord, video quatily is really crappy. I can even hear what I`m saying...
1. You dont allowed to Raid as a Gun Dealer with your BMD Friend.
2. Iam sorry for the Quality but everybody see what you do and that is what i want.
3. You base there you build Fading Doors and life there with your Friend.
4. You try to Proppush a other Officer i dont record it.
5. You RDM and Breaking NLR. (Other Post)
6. You Disconnectet when we Taze and Handcuffed you.
7. The only Player that break fearRP today was you and that many times.
8. When you never played on v33x you think you allowed to come on the Server and RDM, Proppushing, breaking fear RP ?
By shooting at people in the nexus you're clearly raiding and you must have a good reason to do so. Also you can't raid as BMD nor GD.


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