Your name: Ivo King

Your ban ID: 43860

Banned by: [FL] spartanjunior31

Reason: Propsurfing

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Like what the hell. I had a block and I was trying to center it so I stepped on it and pushed a bit to see if it was. It was a 2 sec levitation and BANG ban. I didnt even know that i was going to be banned it just happened. Next time warn me please, I didnt propsurfing lol. He just said "let me check ur name" and ban. lol
I apologize with how I treated the situation, but what was up with you physgunning in the air with a prop?
As I said I only wanted to center the prop, not fly with it... You were like notimeforexplanationsmustbanrightaway.
After examining the situation in a more thorough matter I concluded that I did mistreat the situation, Unban Request approved.

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