Malaal - Unban Request
Your name: Malaal

Your ban ID: 43842

Banned by: [FL:M] ZedsDead

Reason: For apparently "abusing gravity tool". In roleplay, I made a hot air balloon and was given permission from Enzyme and partially Infernaw. I explained this to Zed earlier. The idea was not working as I couldn't use thrusters so I made something lighter. I used a pod and decorated it with engines etc. I was building this inside the car dealership with my mate BuilderBoy (not sure of the numbers at the end of his name) and then someone prop-pushed my pod with an increased wheelspeed. My pod flew around and bounced through the tunnel and into the town spawn. I hopped out, Zed dragged me over and without warning or saying anything banned me.

Involved: BuilderBoy can act as a witness but I do not know the digits at the end of his name, I believe he's a donator so he won't be too hard to find.

Why should we unban you: I've not had any previous bans or warnings and I try to abide by server rules as best as I can. Yesterday I was doing the same sort of thing with a model rocket and a hot air balloon and Enzyme even helped be build them using thrusters and helping build the top of the rocket. It's a bit confusing if an admin and a moderator tell me it's alright, and the next day I'm banned by another.
He was building it in a non public area and He got prop pushed I witnessed it....
Since the balloon flying away wasn't your fault, I don't see a reason to ban you because of someone else.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
It's true that you and Enzyme were okay with it on v2p though, isn't it?

I allowed you using the air balloon, yes. This was outside the foodstore towards the industrial plant.
I didn't see a problem with you doing this, and it is true I was talking to you about how you could make the balloon movable and more interactive.
If someone prop-pushed your balloon, then this is ofcourse not your fault.

Seeing this from ZedsDeads eyes, I can understand why he did what he did.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(02-02-2014, 04:14 PM)Malaal Wrote: It's true that you and Enzyme were okay with it on v2p though, isn't it?


Yes. I also asked Narcotic, and he didn't mind it being built either, as long as it was built in private.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
So what happens from here? Do I just wait for a final jurisdiction?
I spoke to you earlier about the balloon myself and told you to spawn it out on the country side and not in the middle of the city, yes. That has nothing to do with the case, though. The case was, you were flying around in a pod, flying OUT from AMPM while laughing saying "Take me to your leader".
Like I said, I was prop-pushed there mate. And what I said is completely irrelevant as I was also asking "how the hell did I get here".
You made no attempt to stop anything. You were barely over the ground, while laughing like crazy saying: "Take me to your leader". You could have easily jumped out and stopped, but instead you were laughing as the pod flew out of AMPM and kept increasing in altitude. And as you said, "You hopped out". yes, you did. You hopped out when i grabbed you before the pod was sent back into orbit. My question then is: Why didn't you stop this earlier?

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