Your name: [FL:RP]Nicolaj AkA Puddie!

Your ban ID: 43742

Banned by: [FL] Termin

Reason: Ban request 41970 approved: CDM

Involved: Pringled , admin , me

Why we should unban you: Because i drived a man down i know. Because if u saw the server then he killed all people as Detective so he tried to shoot after me in the city so i drived him down in only self-defense. They are raiding as Detectives. They are FAILRP so i dont think its fair

And before they vid he tried to kill me but i got away. He took a gun and tried to kill me

And he raided me and my friends when we was in city when we come home they was in our base.
They never tried to kill you in the video, you are not allowed to CDM.
Like i said it was before and i was doing self defense The man cutted it so it only was where they didnt tried to kill me!
You are not allowed to CDM people, denied.

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