Unban Request: Unfair or not?
Your name: [FL:RP]

Your ban ID: 43563

Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

Reason: CDM from reckless driving

Involved: [FL:RP] Nacreas (was playing with him the the whole time I was on the server)

Why we should unban you: Well, last time I was on is about.. 1 day or something. I did not drive a car yesterday, only building. When I left the server after finishing my building yesterday, I didn't get a ban on my ass or Killjoy wasn't even on the server that day. Then I came on the server here today and I got a ban on me. Please show me some proof if I killed somebody yesterday and tell me WHY it took so god damn long time to ban me, and it wasn't even a ban request as I can see in my ban. It was Killjoy that saw this "CDM/reckless driving" and he wasn't even online at the moment on v2d yesterday!
I do not remember the exact details on this event, but this ban was issued yesterday on V2D while I was administrating the server undercover, meaning I had first hand witnessed this violation in order to issue a suspension.

Seeing the reason state reckless driving, I believe you were one of the people to ram a car crash in the tunnel, causing 2 or 3 people to die from the stockpile of vehicles sent flying around.
May I ask why you didn't issue this ban when or to be more exact if it happend?
And why cant I remember this, however maybe you got something! I do remember that there was two cars on the road and I tried to get around this massive gangbang of cars in the tunnel. They were already dead anyways since I checked their bodies before I drove past them and moved their cars. I did not cause their death or the CDM.
I did issue it when it happened, it might've glitched and taken time to go live.
Ah, alright.
Do you mind answering all the other questions I have put down for you?
All your questions have been answered. Is there anything else you want to bring up regarding this suspension?
Alright then, I guess I didn't make myself clear enough..

Do you find my ban fair, of course you do! You were the one that issued it. But you're not the one that knows how the ban was for the person you ban. When I was driving in that tunnel and I saw the massive CDM that have happend, how do you want me to get around the cars? And I didn't casue this or their death in that tunnel. I even walked out of the car to check if they were dead. And as I can clearly remember they were dead! The only thing I did was moving their cars aside with my own car! I cant even remember that I hit the dead bodies?

Now.. Take your time and read this carefully and give it a extra thought, however you can deny this straight away without sitting down and talking about it.
Imagine a massive traffic collision happening in a tunnel, in real life. Cars catch fire, unconscious bodies around, people between cars trying help the injured. Doesn't this sound like a perfect time to nudge the vehicles involved with your own car?
I thought the server was semi-serious.

Then think about it like this.. You can take almost 5 shots in the head with a pistol before you die in this server.
We dont have to go real life. And because of what I did, it does not really result in a ban by trying to get out of this mess. It sounds a little stupid dont you think so? A warning could have been issued instead of banning me, dont you think so?

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