Unban Request
Your name: ηαмєlєѕѕ unknown | (nameless unknown)

Your ban ID: 43524

Banned by: [FL] Freezak

Reason: BR#41647: Prop minging, accessing rooftops.

Involved: Witness: "IDKWhatToCallMyselfx", "xsvz_vibez", "[FL:RP] -=¥r0wie47¥=-"

Why we should unban you: Someone did a BR on me, cuz he cought me while i was on a roof. And now the story: I was building a toilet-serie that i can spawn those props @ the slums, like a joke. I accidently made on the toilets/seats no gravity, (also cuz my GMod is buggy as hell). When i was siting on the toilet, someone pushed me with a prop up.. I made it somehow to jump out and land on the roof. The toilets were now in the sky. I used the physgun to pick them and bring them to me.. Accidently they fell down (cuz i have a mouse with batteries, it lose sometimes the connection to the pc).. so i picked the toilets again up. A guy came out from the nexus and took some screenshots, and did a BR cuz he thought i proppushed me intentionally... well wrong. i picked them up and made them "no colide" and deactivated the "no gravity".. so i released the toilets and get on them very fast.. i fell down without damaging or propkilling someone. This is the only server wich is not awesome and not sh*t like the others.. this one is the best.. i played ~300 hours gmod and ~215 hours on your server. And when you look on my ban list.. you think this: when he likes that server, why has he so much bans.. here the reason: i was everytime cought @ a wrong time and @ a wrong place, yes i did sometimes some shit, but 50% were a like a "fail ban".. cuz my english is not good, every admin misunderstand me and ban me.. at this times i didn't know there were a possibilty to do a unban request. now the real proof why i like the server: why should i do such a long as f*ck text for a unban request and take the hassle, i'm usually a little bit lazy to write texts on english, cuz i'm not the best and why do i try to explain with my worse english ebery single detail wich is possible for me? if you don't understand my text.. don't worry.. this is normal.. pm me if you have other questions or misunderstand something.. i will ask a friend from me if he can help me to translate. Thank you for reading. (Sorry for my english)
Nothing wrong with your English. Nevertheless you're not allowed to access rooftops at all and if you really got launched into the air and landed there you could call a Staff member/jump down immedietaly.

Also i can't see any reason for spawning so many toilets, sounds more like a prop minging. How did you manage to "accidentaly" remove gravity from those?
My PC is kind of buggy. When I want to change the options from the toolgun like: from "material" to the "deleter" it needs like 10 sec to understand that i already changed. That means: i'm on "material" and change to "deleter" and when I shoot before the 10 sec are over: it will change the material and not delete the prop and cuz my mouse is also buggy is it possible that i misclick sometimes.. I'm not sure how this happened but yeah.. it happen. And I know it looks like minging but it was not.. I had the idea to make just a little "slum joke" Thank you :P

P.S. I wrote something wrong.. I want to "fix" it: I like this server because it's the only one wich is awesome, not like the other sh*t servers. Again THANKS! :)
Liking the server isn't any reason to be treated differently from others. Evidence provided in the ban request against you is pretty clear and it's hard for me to believe in what you're saying here.


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