Unban Request chargrilledawesome
Your name: chargrilledawesome

Your ban ID: 43065

Banned by: [FL] Drogas

Reason: CDM x 2 / Admin disrespect

Involved: A FailRPer who caused all the trouble but I can't remember the name

Why we should unban you: First of all, the CDM was not my fault. I would admit CDMing if it was my fault because I know personally how annoying it can be to be CDMd, but it wasn't intentional in anyway. The server simply hit a lag spike and my ping went to more than 290, making me lose control of my Cruiser and hit the two players involved. I got out of my vehicle and called a medic but they were dead, and I would have apologized and explained but I was chat banned, which brings me to my next point; Admin disrespect. Yes, I did rage at an admin, but only because he wasn't doing his job properly. He failed to take any action whatsoever against a rampaging FailRPer who didn't stop for me and a Police Sergeant because "his radio was too loud", despite the fact that we literally rammed him multiple times and fired two shots at his vehicle. He then filed a false BR against me and the Sergeant. When the FailRPer started to insult me, the Police Sergeant, and [FL] Drogas in OOC, I responded and was Chat Banned for 2 hours instead of the FailRPer for supposed "Player disrespect", even though the FailRPer had just been calling me, the Sergeant and [FL] Drogas every name under the sun. This pissed me off, and when the lag spike hit and I accidentally killed two players, I was vehicle banned for 6 hours. If [FL] Drogas had actually penalized the offending FailRPer rather than me for responding to him, I wouldn't have insulted him. The lag spike would have most likely still happened, but because of the chat ban I'd already received, [FL] Drogas decided to ban me from vehicles by assuming it was intentional. I'd like to think he wouldn't have removed my vehicle access if I'd actually been able to explain in OOC what happened, but I couldn't, obviously. I'm not condoning what I said to [FL] Drogas, it wasn't necessary, but I was understandably angry, and there was a considerable reason for it, and I doubt anyone could not get annoyed at a chain of events like this happening to them and resulting in a rather Overkill 1 month ban. Anyway, please consider my Unban request, and if it's denied, thank you for at least taking the time to read my semi-angry rant.
I told him that if he were to make a ban request I would penalize him for it because he was at fault and then I talked to him about it.

I then said to end it in the OOC and you did not so I blacklisted you from the OOC.

You then start getting at me in @ telling me I dont know what I am doing and calling me a bad admin. This I ignore because I know you are just mad because I blacklisted you from OOC.

You then swerve onto the sidewalk and take out two people. You are saying that it is lag but your car does not swerve whenever you lag and if you are lagging then you shouldnt be driving at high speeds let alone drive at all. So I took away driving access from you and I was not planning on banning you until you take the insulting to the next level which resulted in your ban.

I am honestly completely against an unban and a shorten. I however will wait to see if you have anything else to say for this case.
I did end it in OOC but he continued to insult me and the Sergeant I can't recall the name of. You didn't blacklist him from OOC though did you, even though he was the main antagonist. I'm not saying you're a bad admin, but that decision at that time was pretty poor considering. Also, if the police would have actually had the powers to move illegally parked cars other than warranting the player, which does nothing if they're far away, instead of leaving them in the middle of the road, I wouldn't have had to turn pretty erratically to avoid it. It was simply unfortunate that my ping peaked at that minute, but I can't exactly control that now can I? I got mad because you didn't take away OOC rights from the guy who caused all the trouble, or penalize him in any way, instead deciding to ban me from OOC. I was mad that you took away my vehicle rights for 6 hours for having an unfortunate lag spike, only the second one I'd actually had in that entire session by the way so it wasn't like I was acting without caution, which I would have apologised for but obviously I couldn't, when people CDM all the time but you can't do anything because you don't have evidence, despite about 10 people complaining.
He may have been the main antagonist, but you were the one who took it out of proportion. You were the one to continue with it whenever I said stop. So the blacklist is valid and that is the end of that.

You can see cars from a large distance. It is not like it just popped up there if it was parked. And if you had to turn erratically to avoid a car that means you are go way to fast in the city and it resulted in you killing two people with your car. And you are right most people do get away with CDM. I personally dont ban people who CDM because if I were then I would ban just about everyone with a car. You however came full speed into the city and swerved onto the sidewalk and took out two people. I saw this with my own eyes. You can say it was lag all you want because if you are lagging or you know you get lag spikes, you should not be driving at full speeds inside highly populated areas.

This ban however is more focused on the disrespect I received from you and that is how it is going to stay because you did run over two people lagging or not so the CDM x 2 is valid. You did continue to fight with that kid on OOC even after I said stop and you did take it out of proportion. So that makes the blacklist from OOC valid. If you said I disagree with that blacklist and spell out what he was doing instead of attacking me maybe something else would of came of it. But you didnt you just were be a annoyance calling me names in the @ telling me I dont know what I am doing etc.


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