Ban Request: [FL:RP] Owen
Name of player: [FL:RP] Owen

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67967545

Time in GMT: 19:15

Server: 2D

Summary: FailRP, raiding as Security Guard.

Evidence: [Image: k58x.jpg]
[Image: g84f.jpg]
[Image: 1a9s.jpg]
[Image: 4fvt.jpg]
[Image: v3tq.jpg]
[Image: ldih.jpg]
Kind Regards,
hard to see exactly whats going on with those pictures, and if he is raiding or what
Well basiclly you can see him pushing the "criminals" back as where he stands. Considering the SRU aren't shooting or detaining him, it's pretty clear imo.
Kind Regards,
Ban request approved.

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