Unban Request
Your name: ToxinNuke

Your ban ID: 42972

Banned by: [FL:M] Verzyn

Reason: Moderator disrespect, not using @ correctly, diconnecting to avoid moderator.

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Because i did nothing wrong, i said @ Admin Help FailRP! And he refused to respond after 2 minutes so i did it again twice and once he didn't respond i called him a "useless vagina" Because he refused to help me when FailRP Just happened and it was not my fault my Cop's refused to arrest a guy Wanted so i fired them but before i fired the last one he un-handcuffed the rebel and Got me killed, Thats FailRP but anyway once the Rebel killed me i reported it straight away to "@" ( to contact a Admin or Mod ) And i waited seven minutes in Total and he didn't reply so i left to stop me causing any problems out of Anger and then i just come back on after going out and i find im banned. But this is a false Ban and i would like to Request an Unban and a Infraction on this Moderator for banning me without a real reason cause he Refused to help me after Several Minutes so i should not suffer at the Hands of a bad Moderator.
I was very busy at an @ call. You failed to use @ correct, you repeatedly put "admin to me" which is not informative at all. Once I had finished, it had only been around a minute you call me a "useless c*nt* then disconnect. I don't quite see how you are innocent here.
(01-16-2014, 10:24 PM)Verzyn Wrote: I was very busy at an @ call. You failed to use @ correct, you repeatedly put "admin to me" which is not informative at all. Once I had finished, it had only been around a minute you call me a "useless c*nt* then disconnect. I don't quite see how you are innocent here.

Because i said "Admin to me, FailRP" The least you could of done is queried about what happened and not ignore me, most Admins/Mods respond Instantly Like Aviator he is a good Staff Member hes the best Along with SoulRipper ( the owner)
(01-16-2014, 10:24 PM)Verzyn Wrote: I was very busy at an @ call. You failed to use @ correct, you repeatedly put "admin to me" which is not informative at all. Once I had finished, it had only been around a minute you call me a "useless c*nt* then disconnect. I don't quite see how you are innocent here.

I had just teleported back when I saw you say that and disconnect. Realise there are 50 players on the server, not just you. I was the only staff member on at the time and there were quite a few @ calls.
(01-16-2014, 10:31 PM)Verzyn Wrote:
(01-16-2014, 10:24 PM)Verzyn Wrote: I was very busy at an @ call. You failed to use @ correct, you repeatedly put "admin to me" which is not informative at all. Once I had finished, it had only been around a minute you call me a "useless c*nt* then disconnect. I don't quite see how you are innocent here.

I had just teleported back when I saw you say that and disconnect. Realise there are 50 players on the server, not just you. I was the only staff member on at the time and there were quite a few @ calls.

Because even if you was Busy which you claim you where wouldnt it be better to send a PM saying one sec? and no i didnt just say "Admin to me" i said "Admin to me FailRP"
Second time i said "Admin to me FailRP" Second time i put "Admin to me" and several minutes you didnt answer so i called you a useless c*nt and as i explained why i left "disconnected" And you banned me because you failed to inform me you was busy and im sure they can even bring up the chatlogs if need to for proof.
(01-16-2014, 10:35 PM)ToxicNuke Wrote: Because even if you was Busy which you claim you where wouldnt it be better to send a PM saying one sec? and no i didnt just say "Admin to me" i said "Admin to me FailRP"
Second time i said "Admin to me FailRP" Second time i put "Admin to me" and several minutes you didnt answer so i called you a useless c*nt and as i explained why i left "disconnected" And you banned me because you failed to inform me you was busy and im sure they can even bring up the chatlogs if need to for proof.

How hard is it to be patient? If the matter was so serious and I needed to be their instantly why not record it or take screenshots for a ban request?

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