Unban Request - Strikebullet-DV
Your name: Strikebullet-DV
Your ban ID: 42631
Banned by: [FL:M] ZedsDead

Reason: Scamming the same person who scammed & got me banned (Extended To 6 Months)
Involved: {PwnPT} EvilPenguin118 STEAM_0:0:54073433

Why we should unban you:

I recently just started playing Fearless Rp Gmod and on my first day playing I got scammed by this person, So I started punching him and yelling at him and then he called a admin and I got banned for the reason "Punching Whore" (Hes lucky that I didn't know how to make a ban request at that time). After this ban has expired I joined into the server again but then I found the same person who scammed me so I scammed him back for revenge and I left immediately, after a few hours later I got banned for scamming for 1 day (I was very angry but I was like no big deal only 1 day..) but now my ban has been extended to 5 months and 29 days which I find really unfair how he scammed me first, got me banned and now a very long ban. Anyway I apologises for breaking the rules twice just because I was very mad at him, I now know how to get help so I won't do this ever again and also I apologise again.

PS: If you would like to ask me more questions add me on steam or just reply on this post

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:18711569&b=13]
I got called by EvilPenguin because he was scammed. He told me he was buying a dupe off of you, and after he paid you 2000 dollars for the dupe, you disconnected, therefor scamming him. I did a log check to see if this was true, and the logs confirmed it. Now. We have a "No tolerate" policy when it comes to scamming on the servers. Just because he might have broken the rules, does not give you the right to do so. I see no reason for this ban to be shortened.
(01-10-2014, 05:37 PM)ZedsDead Wrote: I got called by EvilPenguin because he was scammed. He told me he was buying a dupe off of you, and after he paid you 2000 dollars for the dupe, you disconnected, therefor scamming him. I did a log check to see if this was true, and the logs confirmed it. Now. We have a "No tolerate" policy when it comes to scamming on the servers. Just because he might have broken the rules, does not give you the right to do so. I see no reason for this ban to be shortened.

can I just ask why has it been extended and yes I scammed but it was only 2k and also I seen only people's ban been extended if they have lots of ban history? (just letting you know, I called my friend to give him the dupe for free since I felt bad doing the same thing as he did to me)
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:18711569&b=13]
The ban was extended because of the simple fact that i am a moderator, and a moderator is only able to ban for a day (24h). Scamming is a "no tolerate" policy as i said, which is usually a permanent ban, but because of your small amount, it was only 6 months instead.
(01-11-2014, 12:38 AM)ZedsDead Wrote: The ban was extended because of the simple fact that i am a moderator, and a moderator is only able to ban for a day (24h). Scamming is a "no tolerate" policy as i said, which is usually a permanent ban, but because of your small amount, it was only 6 months instead.
Too be honest before I did the scam I checked the rules to see how it would be dealt "it said nothing about how serious scamming is" plus it was only 2k, so next time if it said how serious scamming was I wouldn't off done it because I love playing Fearless RP my friend Timetiger6 told me to play with him but now I can't even play with him until half a year as gone passed Sad can you kindly please give me 1 more chance (I promise never to break the rules even how small the ban would be), my final 2 words "I'm Sorry!".
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:18711569&b=13]

You are extremely lucky not to be permanently suspended.

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