Your name: [JD-Admin]тнє_Ŧσﻮ_мαи

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:23439048

Banning Admin:Killjoy

Ban Length:perma

Reason for the ban: The.mainframe accused me on RDM (Summary: A security guard was random killing me, There was a fire in the front of cub foods. And The_Fag_man was then randomly killing me while Extinguish)
The story (The.mainframe)

Why we should unban you:unban be why? Maybe because someone has made ​​a decision too quickly.

The story of The.mainframe so many lies.
such that I was not a security guard im Reabel.
He showed photos of what I had killed him why?
so if one kills me, and I is not good I speak on this forum has more than 20 kills in a row.
then take those few admins about their choice to make 3 / 2 3 photos and written a line of what he says.

This request calls the ban?
I took the piss?
I am angry with killjoy because too much is never in a hurry without thinking
makes it more insulting to a little boy doing well the demand for banking?
but it seems a normal thing?
The_Fag_Man O.o
then tell me you have to insult other players is not it?

As I already wrote a killjoy private message explaining that I had killed not because I wanted to kill him The.mainframe way because I wanted to make a RDM, but because he was off so I had my fire prevvodere so I do not think I have done RDM but he always came back in place so I was forced to kill him and then committed to The.mainframe (NRL and for work to extinguish the flames)

most threatened of the report that I was banned on the forum, and I told him I did not do well I have broken no rules, so your ban will be rejected.
But as a killjoy and informed you that he did as he wants.
So I say that admin are you? Killjoy?
Before you ban a person who has made ​​sure that thing does not always do in a hurry because you only casino.
Hope you do not offend killjoy but it was something you had to point out.

I ask because I was being unban banned without having broken any law, so he did not believe that the RDM.

then tell me you killjoy? The.mainframe what he did as a request to ban at least you think it's a valid description of an event that had happened?
with only a poor row in also an insult.

thank for attention The_Fog_Man
║███████████████████║99,9 %
Left 00,1 % for your death
The Sniper
[JD-Admin]тнє_Ŧσﻮ_мαи (STEAM_0:0:23439048) banned for:
Repeated offenses
Massive RDM
Multiple rules broken including door rules etc., General Minge
FailRP, Punchwhoring, Metagaming, More FailRP
Propbashing chairs through walls and throwing players around.

I quote Sniperwolf on one of your previous unban requests:

Quote:You were kicked about 7 times in a row - for various fails, from different admins.
You paid literally no attention to the rules - made no effort to improve after the first several kicks
What ????
Evo have ban me for error for Propbashing chairs through walls and throwing players around.
im look 1 player spawn the chair and push the people on the window im haved tested the bug,
not work im have stopped 1 second,im have idea the evo have look me spawn the chair thought im the guy have push the people on the window.
(This is error ban 1 admin not have unban me,and evo have ignored me -.-)

Repeated offenses sorry dude im have offense the people for serious stuff. no simple.

Repeated offenses
Massive RDM
Multiple rules broken including door rules etc., General Minge
FailRP, Punchwhoring, Metagaming, More FailRP
Propbashing chairs through walls and throwing players around.

because then people see what was banned and considered if you have had too many ban?
I received all the banks in a few days, because it was my first time I played in a Rolplay, more, could not get used to the rules because the people transgressed, and I thought we could do because he did not see admin.
but then gradually I got used to but I am always misjudged it all.
The pass and the assholes who almost never do nothing are punished.
Sorry for the bad word
║███████████████████║99,9 %
Left 00,1 % for your death
The Sniper
Me unban o no?
║███████████████████║99,9 %
Left 00,1 % for your death
The Sniper
well double posting wont help
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
The post was 4 days, and still I have not had a reply
║███████████████████║99,9 %
Left 00,1 % for your death
The Sniper
I'm sorry to point it out, but is the bad english deliberate? very well, after reading all this it seems to me that you haven't said much about that it wasen't you, insted you have put the responsibility on other players. maby it's just me...

Now is it a little awkward to say somthing about The Fog Man when i have to apologize myself, just to be sure that noone gets mad xD
Hampen, get out of the Courthouse if it's not your case. Warned again.
(07-01-2011, 07:08 AM)The_Fog_Man Wrote: Evo have ban me for error for Propbashing chairs through walls and throwing players around.
im look 1 player spawn the chair and push the people on the window im haved tested the bug,
not work im have stopped 1 second,im have idea the evo have look me spawn the chair thought im the guy have push the people on the window.
(This is error ban 1 admin not have unban me,and evo have ignored me -.-)

You are not the person that tests bugs on our servers, that is me.

(07-01-2011, 07:08 AM)The_Fog_Man Wrote: I received all the banks in a few days, because it was my first time I played in a Rolplay, more, could not get used to the rules because the people transgressed, and I thought we could do because he did not see admin.

You are new to the server, but you didn't read the rules, did you? The rules clearly says that all the rules you broke are not allowed to be broken. If you are new to a server, you start carefully and asks questions to experienced RP'ers or admins.

(07-01-2011, 07:08 AM)The_Fog_Man Wrote: but then gradually I got used to but I am always misjudged it all.
The pass and the assholes who almost never do nothing are punished.
Sorry for the bad word

This is even worse: How can you get used to being banned for rulebreaking? That proves you doesn't care to read the rules, to read tutotials here on the forum to improve your RP skills.

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Sorry shark

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