Unban Request...
Your name: K.S.

Your ban ID:42645

Banned byCheeserogas

Reason: Fade and shoot

Involved: K.S.

Why we should unban you:I don't see how I abuse the fading door, as in abusing the fading door, open it up and shoot then close it when out of ammo? I was telling the SRU Sergeant to get back to not do that? I don't see how you saw me doing it, it'll be great if you tell me in full details, maybe there is a mistake?
The door opened.
You shot.
Once done shooting you closed the door.
Fade and shoot.
Really?... I don't remember doing that, maybe you've mistaken me as someone else?
I am pretty sure I didn't do that.
I am positive that you were the one that shot through the fading door.
But it is impossible and I can prove that, all those fading doors up there is none toggle so basically you have to hold e to keep it open but if you hold e+left click you cannot shoot it can only lower your weapon. If you do not believe me you can try it out too, cause even I opened the door there was no way I can shoot.
I was in the president's office during the raid and I saw you shoot through the fading door and close it.
[Image: SEYlcy8.png]
How? I just explained how it won't work I opened it up the raiders with shotgun shot I did not shoot at the first door and I realise I won't be able to do much if I don't rush so I held back screaming to sergeant to get back incase they Molotov the first gate.

User shot through the fading door to give himself an advantage in a raid.

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