Unban Requst - Doug
b]Your name:[/b] [J] Doug

Your ban ID: 42377

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Homophobia

Involved: Don't know.

Why we should unban you: I don't even know why I got banned, I just came on and I was banned. I really like this server and im looking to rp some more.. I also didnt see any evidence of this. I truly apologize for all of the trouble i have caused.
Upon reviewing the chat logs for a ban request I have stumbled upon your message which reads:

[07:15:57] [J] Doug (STEAM_0:1:58451446) said: Dot be a *** cause thats not cool

You also have two previous bans for offensive language.
I do not remember typing that... Who was the person i was directing it to? Is there anything i can do to get this ban request shortened?
It wasn't a ban request on you, it was on someone else. I was browsing the logs for that ban request when I found your message. I don't know how you "don't remember typing it" since it's right there in the logs, black on white.
Fair Enough , I guess this is how i learn my lesson? Well, I sincerely apologize for my Homophobic/offensive language. I didn't mean to offend anyone in any way. This will most certainly not happen again. And i guess there is no way to shorten this at all? I was really looking forward to Role Playing on the server. This day has been so boring without FL . If not i understand as consequences need to be placed upon me.
After two bans for offensive language, a person would have thought you would stop using it.


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