How many bans for perma ban?
How many bans do i need to get perma baned. And is there anyway to get unbaned if i get permabaned? Sad
Well, the number of bans before you get a permanent suspension depends on the reasons and the time between them.

CDM isn't as big rulebreakage as propminging. And a guy that has 12 bans in 5 months has a bigger chance on getting a permanent suspension than someone that was banned 3 months ago and makes a mistake and gets his 14th ban. If you want to get unbanned you will have to post an unban request with a proper format which you can find in the ''Courthouse'' section.

Put effort in your unban request if you are going to make one. And have you reasons, otherwise you can hope that they will forgive you but that doesn't happend often.
Ok thank you Smile

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