Bannend By lagg
Your name: DudeYourDeath

Your ban ID: 41917

Banned by: [FL:M] Freezak

Reason: Massive CDM

Involved: Alone

Why we should unban you: I was driving into the city and got 1 major Lagg and i didnt ment to CDM, lagg was so big i couldnt see or do anything about it... Freezak didnt even talk to me about it Just instant bannend me! ;( I know its wrong to CDM But i got screwed by the lagg.
Don't drive if you lag, and if it's lagging you are supposed to stop, not drift. You were driving across the BP, how come you turned in our direction?
(12-29-2013, 09:46 PM)Freezak Wrote: Don't drive if you lag, and if it's lagging you are supposed to stop, not drift. You were driving across the BP, how come you turned in our direction?

It didnt lagg before i came into the city, when i was in the city i got a huge lagg. When i drived across the bp i saw another car and tried to avoid him, in that way i was powerless what the car was doing because of the lagg. I tried to stop and turn the other way it didnt do nothing. I only saw was me lagging and suddenly i stopped and next thing i saw was people all over the floor and me crashed! I said that im was really sorry to all the people and that i didnt ment to cdm a couple times. And thank you for responding!
You did Massive CDM, while you could simply stop. I saw you driving from the city tunnel, the accident could be easily avoided if you would think, i can't see any reason to unban you.
(12-29-2013, 10:28 PM)Freezak Wrote: You did Massive CDM, while you could simply stop. I saw you driving from the city tunnel, the accident could be easily avoided if you would think, i can't see any reason to unban you.

Im pretty sure you didnt saw me driving otherwise you wouldnt ask how it happend i hit you with the car. And i told you i was powerless i was holding the space button but it didnt matter because the lagg was huge... If my screen freeze while i was trying to stop and aviod that other car so far as i could see it. And atm that the screen unfreezed i saw dead bodies and me crashed... You can say it simple to stop from your screen.. But try to look it from my screen like i said how it happend. Why if i really was trying to CDM i would say sorry if i know i get bannend for cdm..?
How could i believe you though? We weren't even in the road but on the sidewalk.

Quote:Why if i really was trying to CDM i would say sorry if i know i get bannend for cdm..?
I saw enough things to not believe this.
(12-29-2013, 11:12 PM)Freezak Wrote: How could i believe you though? We weren't even in the road but on the sidewalk.

Quote:Why if i really was trying to CDM i would say sorry if i know i get bannend for cdm..?
I saw enough things to not believe this.

Yes you was on the sidewalk i told you i was trying to avoind the damn car so far i could see it becausee my screen freezed because of the lagg and after my screen unfreezed everbody was death, you dont beleave it because you dont want 2. I do NOT lie about this and i know you dont care but you can ask blackmamba also because he was sitting next to me and saw my screen when it happend. Did you make my ban longer? want to know. this is really crual man
This isn't cruel at all. You've decided to speed, that was your own fault that you ran us over on the sidewalk. I doubt mamba has anything crucial to say, he got banned as well for random hostaging and disconnecting afterwards.
(12-29-2013, 11:29 PM)Freezak Wrote: This isn't cruel. You've decided to speed, that was your own fault that you ran us over on the sidewalk. I doubt mamba has anything crucial to say, he got banned as well for random hostaging and disconnecting afterwards.

Ok first of al, blackmamba was gaming in my house and im living with my gf and i told him to shut it down because my gf needs to sleep, so rdm roping ok but after disconnect was not his fault

second of al, if you dont beleave black mamba or me i can send you another guy who was there and didnt get bannend for anything who saw the same thing.

i really dont like when people make me out for a liar :| specialy for something i couldnt do anything about it.

ok i was little speeding but i wasnt driving that hard that i coudlnt break or something i keep telling you it was the lagg that froze my screen i couldnt do anything about it :| dont get me wrong i dont want to disrespectful but it think its not right the way how you handle this. i got three people for you and you dont wanna even try to listen it think cruel and you just messing with me now and dont take me serious
These three people are your friends, obviously we know how they are going to explain the situation, that's why i'm not taking any witnesses.

You were "little" speeding, that's the main reason why you ran us over, not the lag.

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