unban request
Your name: Inkbird

Your ban ID: 41230

Banned by: [FL:M] Verzyn

Reason: Attempted teamkill, punchwhoring, lying to me about it

Involved: 2 other rebels which i have forgotten the names of specified player

Why we should unban you: i am either asking for a shorten of my ban to an hour or two OR to be removed completely. i found this ban to be unfair. here is the story. i was basing as usual being a rebel with the 2 other rebels i had forgotten their names of (counting both ingame and steamID). i was doing buisness with him as i had some drugs on me at the moment. they kept on teasing and goofing off not taking the roleplay seriously. What i mean by this is stupid remarks as " weed for 100? how about 25$" and kept laughing in my face. i then punched them and said " hey are you going to buy something or not?!?" then he just kept saying " woow dude woow dude woow dude whyd you hit me whyd you hit me RDM RDM RDM " pissing me off needless to say. he took out his shotgun and chased me down as i took out my knife to protect myself as he was being a minge to me and tried to kill me. i ran but my stamina was low so i held alt and tried to get away as then they shot me once but missed and then a second time and missed. they then were about to attack me and in self defense to protect and not be killed, it was either killed or be killed, i took out my knife and took a swing then punched the guy 3 times to get him away. i told him to piss off and they kept shooting at me. the second guy took out his tranq and shot me with it then hostaged me and the other took out a shotgun about to finish me when i called the admin in thank gods time. i then told the admin and he kept saying that i was lieng and that i was not telling the truth BUT I WAS THE ONE who called him in the first place! if there was no problem and if i was the minge i wouldnt call the admin becuase i would get banned becuase thats how a minge gets away with rulebreaking BUT I CALLED for the admins help. he said that it looked more like you were hurting them as he said to me and showed me by copy and pasta that i did 40 damage to the guy and 20 to the other guy i think was the dmg. but the admin didnt see the real thing that actully happened at all as he teleported to me. the 2 guys lied and said the opposite of what they really did and acted all sincere. the admin froze me in the fence and then banned me. and then claimed as i said from the reason that i punchwhored teamkilled and lied. i didnt kill them both i just damaged them to get them off me. also in real life and in roleplay games you can hurt other members if your an outcast rebel. rebels arnt nice to each other a lot of the time. a lot of the time a rebel team as i was a rebel didnt let me into the rebel base claiming i was a noob and to fuck off. its not like the corleones who are together all the time as they are a mafia the rebels are more like a society of hobos which want freedom. either way im not saying you can kill rebels and you should im saying that defense against anything is allowed. therefore, i find this ban to be unfair and i would like it to be taken down or shortened.
First off, I listened to you side of the story, I teleported to you to find a rebel hostaged by yourself (also a rebel). You told me he tried to kill you. I did a quick log check and I found that you punched him many times. He stated that you had punchwhored him then used a knife to kill him. Your arguement back was that he had damaged you first. I checked again to see if he had damaged you and the logs show he had not touched you, thus I believed you were lying to me. I did a quick background check as well to see if this was uncommon and I found that you had already recieved an ban for the same thing.

[Image: b6e004bd5a144a985f338539b86927a6.png]

If you are telling the truth and he started the violence you should not of attacked him. Instead you should of instantly made an @ request.
You make a good point. thats the thing that gets us both stuck into a rope. its kindave hard for you to believe me as he did not inflict any damage but i guess its the saying "you had to be there to witness it" and you were right i should have used the @ command but i was in a hurry and it was a reflex of what i had to do. it made me have anxiety and i had choices but as you said i picked the wrong one and i should have used @.
I appreciate what you have said but the fact is you still broke the rules and I think the ban should stay. As you said, it was very hard for my to judge what actually happened but just remember in future to not break rules yourself when someone else is.
your right, you should close this now i think we both have an agreement here Smile

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