Ban Request - [FL:RP] Scotch McGreg
Name of player: [FL:RP] Scotch McGreg

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32019399

Time in GMT: 10 PM

Server: v2d

Summary: I witnessed this player commit several violations. Aggressive RP without a reason, homophobia and random tazing.

Oh my god that was the most funny thing i ever watcher i congratulate you for this video. xD
You've cut out a lot of this, the person I was asking to fight was provocative towards me and had been causing me a few issues all day, which can be checked via the logs in and in OOC, I actually called an admin for harassment which wasn't seen, before the start of the recording he was provoking this kind of behavior, the issues surrounding the body, the body was already dead, I did call an admin as you can see via the logs as well, it was a yellow Lamborghini and I said "There is a guy in a yellow Lamborghini running everybody over" That can be checked inside the logs. And finally the tazing incident, as you can see in the video, both players shared the same player model, one was round the corner on the floor having been tranquilized, in the end I did arrest the correct person and I also called an admin asking to check the logs and I said if it wasn't him I would do everything to try and get him out of prison, that can also be viewed inside the logs, although what he has recorded and evidently made cuts on seems very one sided, the logs and his provocative behavior towards me states otherwise.
Just in addition as-well, I was performing earlier that day and he was harassing me then as-well, saying "you're shit" followed by him throwing bottles at me, if that isn't provocative i'm not sure what is, I try to RP with this guy quite a lot, he engages in quite a lot of aggressive hobo RP which ends up being quite funny but him and his friends always have something to say about me when I am just trying to be nice. The video also shows part of the harassment and verbal abuse I get from him and his friends, in the video you see a steam message does it seem a bit fishy that his mate is ridiculing me at this point? Seems a bit of a random conversational starter doesn't it?
I'm afraid I can't defend the homophobic slurs and I wouldn't be surprised to receive punishment for that, I am not homophobic, in fact far from it, one of the admins Zeds Dead will know I am not a homophobic however I will deal with the punishment given to me in regards to the homophobic slurs, that was out of order.

The only things I apologies for are the homophobic slurs and the mix up with the arrest, as I said, I didn't mean to say "***" it just came out and also I did post a request to the admins regarding the incident with the arrest you can also see with the arrest incident I am in no sort of position to see the other person that was involved in this and was the actual person I needed to arrest, I wasn't going to reply to the hate that the chap in game was giving me because I am so used to it, which relates back to the steam message, same guy or just another one of his mates? Check OOC as-well please because he tries to dig at me on their as well, at the same time that Drogas demoted the person that arrested me for Fail RP, he was just doing it to be spiteful, that will appear in the logs, I just feel as though this has to be defended as this video comes across very one sided. Sure evidence is evidence and he got some of it there but not all of it, other wise it would have tilted it in my defense.

Final edit to this, he also says in LOOC in the video "We have a lot against you".
This backs up my point of him and his friends constantly being on my back him having a lot insists he's around me a lot him saying we insists there is more than one of them doing it.
(12-24-2013, 01:05 AM)Charlie4kwl Wrote: You've cut out a lot of this, the person I was asking to fight was provocative towards me and had been causing me a few issues all day, which can be checked via the logs in and in OOC, I actually called an admin for harassment which wasn't seen, before the start of the recording he was provoking this kind of behavior, the issues surrounding the body, the body was already dead, I did call an admin as you can see via the logs as well, it was a yellow Lamborghini and I said "There is a guy in a yellow Lamborghini running everybody over" That can be checked inside the logs. And finally the tazing incident, as you can see in the video, both players shared the same player model, one was round the corner on the floor having been tranquilized, in the end I did arrest the correct person and I also called an admin asking to check the logs and I said if it wasn't him I would do everything to try and get him out of prison, that can also be viewed inside the logs, although what he has recorded and evidently made cuts on seems very one sided, the logs and his provocative behavior towards me states otherwise.

Did you even watch my video? I wasn't the one with the UMP so I've got no idea what makes you still think you were correct.
(12-24-2013, 01:25 AM)ilmon3y Wrote:
(12-24-2013, 01:05 AM)Charlie4kwl Wrote: You've cut out a lot of this, the person I was asking to fight was provocative towards me and had been causing me a few issues all day, which can be checked via the logs in and in OOC, I actually called an admin for harassment which wasn't seen, before the start of the recording he was provoking this kind of behavior, the issues surrounding the body, the body was already dead, I did call an admin as you can see via the logs as well, it was a yellow Lamborghini and I said "There is a guy in a yellow Lamborghini running everybody over" That can be checked inside the logs. And finally the tazing incident, as you can see in the video, both players shared the same player model, one was round the corner on the floor having been tranquilized, in the end I did arrest the correct person and I also called an admin asking to check the logs and I said if it wasn't him I would do everything to try and get him out of prison, that can also be viewed inside the logs, although what he has recorded and evidently made cuts on seems very one sided, the logs and his provocative behavior towards me states otherwise.

Did you even watch my video? I wasn't the one with the UMP so I've got no idea what makes you still think you were correct.

Read my latest updates, I know that at that point I wasn't correct in tazing you, it was a random taze but how do you and your crew expect me to believe you when you always provoke a reaction out of me, saying "not him you fool" "you fuc***g moron" "you utter mong" "we've got a lot against you" "dip**it" "You are blind".

Now re watch the video and think about all the times you have ridiculed me and think, am I going to take mercy on you and believe you and your friends? And also more importantly, could I have seen this gentleman from where I was stood, at the time I turned around to indicate you were the only person with that model there he had already gone, ok I messed up, doesn't mean you have to swear at me and ridicule me.

The accused player was found guilty of Major failRP, jumping on dead bodies and ignoring warnings about it, homophobia, minging around.
A four day ban has been given.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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