Un-ban Request
Your name: LMS153

Your ban ID: 40906

Banned by: [FL:M] Freezak

Reason: Stealing a car without sufficient reason

Involved: Just me and the staff member

Why we should unban you: I never stole any car, I was just in my inventory putting the ammunition that I had just purchased in my gun, when it said that I had been banned. I think this was a mistake, I don't know how banning works, but maybee the staff member typed the wrong ID for a ban for someone else. There was never any warning or confrontation, It just kicked me.
It happened on V2D, you stole a car while it's owner got hostaged.
I really have no idea what you are talking about, I never stole a car, I don't even know how to steal a car, they are all locked. I think this was a misunderstanding.
You've asked what rebels do, clearly not steal cars without sufficient reason in assist of your friend.
I can see that this is obviously pointless. But i'd at least like to set the record straight. I never stole a car, I think I was mistaken for someone else.
I'm almost 100% sure that it was you, or someone took your nick or had a similiar one, what is pretty much doubtful, i'll check the logs if they will tell anything.
That was my first time on the server, and I wasn't on that long, most of the time I was on I was learning the commands. The ban doesn't bother me that much, but i'd really rather not have a bad record for something I really didn't do. Anyways, I'm not even sure how to steal a car, they all say "Locked". Like I said, I think this was a misunderstanding.
I'm still looking on it, anyways a steal happen not only when you use a lockpick but obviously also when you enter unlocked car.
I don't think that there is any evidence I can give to prove it wasn't me. I don't understand how you thought it was me in the first place. Did you see it on a log or somewhere? I will say that when I was walking I saw a car that said "Locked" (Like I said, i'm new) so I pushed e to see what it would do. (Had no intentions on stealing it) I'm completely serious about just wanting to see what it would do, I have no experience in gmod cityrp servers, but I did read the rules. But anyways, maybe thats what you saw on your log. I never had a lock pick and never attempted to steal it. I just wanted to see what it would tell me when I pushed E on a locked car. This happened a good 10 minutes before I received a ban.
Got it, you were near the car and unfortunately for you it looked like you were inside the car and drove with it away, and actually Jacki and somebody else was participating in that, i see the traces of Jacki breaking the rules in the logs, i can't see though who really stole the car, as there were more than 2 rebels near that car. I was receiving heavy amount of calls, so i had to act quickly. I'm agreeing on unban and sorry for a most likely mistake.

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