Ban Request Johnny
Player name: Johnny

SteamID (if possible): No sorry

Time in GMT: 28 Jun 2011 @ 19 h 24 GTM +1

Summary: This is not a real ban request , I just want to know if it is allowed or not. And I dont know if he comes on the forum so if its not allowed, can you please just give him a short ban.

I came to UM and this is what I saw. I asked him with Transmission too to delete it but he told us that it was allowed.

For future references - no, that's not allowed. And for SteamID's use the button above. Can't find it? Here's a link -
Want to say something to this:

We had a base once there too, we owned everybody at UM etc, and we made a fence.. only a fence with a fading door behind the little hut between both mapwalls.

Mikey allowed us that at this time.
Yes I remembered that too what Mikey said and since I owned all doors I don't see reason why it's against the rules and Furlings said it was propblock but there is clearly keypad also.
And I made that only cause rebels kept coming in I was kinda tired on them.
And my steamID is STEAM_0:1:33720627
To my mind as a road its a public area and shouldn't be allowed. This is not a property which can be closed by door by default.

Admins you must think about it and tell us if it is allowed or not.
It isn't allowed, unless an admin allowed it for a certain situation.
Otherwise it isn't.
(06-30-2011, 09:01 PM)CaveSquirrel Wrote: Want to say something to this:

We had a base once there too, we owned everybody at UM etc, and we made a fence.. only a fence with a fading door behind the little hut between both mapwalls.

Mikey allowed us that at this time.

(06-30-2011, 09:07 PM)Mahti Wrote: Yes I remembered that too what Mikey said and since I owned all doors I don't see reason why it's against the rules and Furlings said it was propblock but there is clearly keypad also.
And I made that only cause rebels kept coming in I was kinda tired on them.
And my steamID is STEAM_0:1:33720627

When was this, I don't remember, I rarely allow anything that blocks the whole UM
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
When cave's clan existed I would say month or 2 back
Maybe Admins can place a note on the construction wich says its allowed.
You allowed that tYn0_SK Mikey, not specially me or, i never built this base.

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