DAT_AIM Unban Request
Your name: [BrS] DAT_AIM

Your ban ID: 40718

Banned by: [FL:M] Verzyn
Reason: Breaking NLR to get gun back, you should know better, 11th ban.

Involved: Who was involved? It was in the middle of the street, so that would be kinda hard to tell.

Why we should unban you:

Well, me and my friend, Resq294, were working on our casino at the Tides Hotel. As i was building a red carpet (I don't really know what to else to call it, i just directly translated it) I get runned over by a blue BMW, who was heading right for me. "NOTICE i was on the curb to figure out what prop i should use"
Ofcourse i get killed and apperiantly loose my MP5.

I quickly return back to get a glims of the BMW, but i couldn't find it. I walk back to the opposite side of where i died and i am about to write to an admin that i got CDM'ed. Before i finish, Verzyn comes out of nowhere and i start explaining him, that i got cdm'ed by a blue BMW and i also told him that I lost my gun.

I start telling him about the BMW and what the guy inside might have looked like, while Verzyn just stands completly still. I thought nothing of it and just kept on talking when suddenly i get banned for NLR breaking.

I had a word with Freezak about it and he said that an admin call is an exception of NLR break

NOTICE - I was talking in local out of character and also in voice chat.

I wanted an admin because of the CDM - I believe Verzyn thought I ment the gun. I only mentioned it because -, Yeah i don't really know why.
I have 11 other MP5's so i don't really care about that.

This whole thing might have been a complete misunderstanding or miscommunication between the 2 of us. But Verzyn didn't really give me that much time to express myself before he stood still and decided to ban me.

Firstly you could of called me from your spawn point and I could of investigated the matter quite easily and you would have not been breaking any rules yourself. Secondly I was called be another player because you were apparently breaking NLR. I arrive to see you demanding your gun back from the person who just killed you. You died 1-2 mins before I arrived and returned to your exact position. I listened you your side and came to the conclusion that it was a blatant breach of NLR without making any attempt to report what you believed to be the offence.
(12-10-2013, 06:45 PM)Verzyn Wrote: Firstly you could of called me from your spawn point and I could of investigated the matter quite easily. Secondly I was called be another player because you were apparently breaking NLR. I arrive to see you demanding your gun back from the person who just killed you. You died 1-2 mins before I arrived and returned to your exact position. A blatant breach of NLR without making any attempt to report what you believed to be the offence.

Wow wow wow dude.

I wasn't demanding my gun. See, the police officer besides me demanded the mafia guy who took it to drop it so he could take it with him as "evidence". NOT me. I might have said something about he took it, but i did not demand it back.

My first reaction was to run back and get that BMW driver out for a talk, but since he wasn't there, I then agreed with myself to call an admin.
But even if i broke NLR - It was an admin call and that's an NLR breaking exception.
(12-10-2013, 08:01 PM)DAT_AIM Wrote: But even if i broke NLR - It was an admin call and that's an NLR breaking exception.

You did not call me, another player reported you to me.
(12-10-2013, 09:03 PM)Verzyn Wrote:
(12-10-2013, 08:01 PM)DAT_AIM Wrote: But even if i broke NLR - It was an admin call and that's an NLR breaking exception.

You did not call me, another player reported you to me.

I was already typing the message, but you showed up and listened to me. The guy who reported me didn't even say a word?
(12-10-2013, 05:44 PM)DAT_AIM Wrote: I had a word with Freezak about it and he said that an admin call is an exception of NLR break

I think you mean, if you die from an OOC cause, for example by props and then you use @ to ask permission to return to your point of death. You should not break NLR then call an admin/mod when is can easily be done from your spawnpoint.

The fact is, you broke the rules regarding NLR and during this time you asked several times for your gun back which clearly shows your intent. You only thought about calling me because the player refused to do so. Also you have 250+ hours and should know this rule.

I think your ban is justified, I will leave this to an administrator.
My intention with the call was to get the BMW. As i said, i don't care about the gun and i don't know why i mentioned it.
I don't think it's fair, i walked back and began to call an admin and then you ban me.

I am doing my best to keep out of trouble and i only wanted report another rulebreaker. I said that the mafia guy didn't want to drop the gun, even though the officer had on gunpoint, afterwards and then you said that he didn't have to, and that was that It is all about the BMW and YOU KNOW IT. Try to be in my shoes... i am literally getting banned for trying to get a rulebreaker punished.

And also - 3 months for breaking NLR? :O
3 months because you have 11 bans.
Here's what i don't get, why are you so willing to ban me?
I was trying to have a good time with my friend and i break NLR to contact an admin. You decide to focus on me instead of the guy who caused it all..

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