BR on Rules breakers
Name of player: GaiNN


Time in GMT: NOw


Summary:well me and my friends are making a base wehen we see a advert about a mustang being sold then we called gain the seller and he had an m4 i dint know what he was goging to to so just to feel fair i took out my galil i did not aim at anyone it was at ease then he just RDM's me and my friends chase him and he crashed (5 minuts or more later) I go to the crash site and i see an m4 i get it then he come back as a gun dealer like 2 min later asking for his gun i tell him thats NLR and he got in my car breaking fear rp wehn i wa tellign him to get out he din t until his friedn Karma whos id i cant find tanq's me then he steps on my bodie. then i spawn and saw my car had being stolen following NLR i dint pay any attention until he CDM's me/then random raid us and a cuple more things i thin the videos will show
Invlved:My friends

Approved for rule violation: Fear RP.
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