Cant connect to Evocity V2d!
Hello forum,

I've had Garry's Mod for a couple of days now and I've being playing on Fearless V2d fine, But since the morning of 2nd December, it starts to crash.
I start to connect to the server, the music plays and then the information screen comes up, but when the download reaches "Downloading maps/graph/rp_evocity_v2d.ain" the loading stop and a couple of seconds later Gmod closes. There is no error message or a report, it just shuts. Every time it stop is on that particular file download.

I don't know what to do and i really want to play Fearless!
Any help will be appreciated greatly.
I had this same problem. If you load in from a singleplayer game you get the crotch gun bug right?
I had to freshly install gmod to fix it.
I have the same problem when it's about to go to "Sending Client info"
Though I don't have the crotch gun bug
Fearless Management

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