Doctor Internet - Unban Request
(11-30-2013, 06:03 PM)Drogas Wrote: When I asked you what you were doing whenever you hostaged your third person inside of the nexus after being questioned you told me you were trying to escape. I asked you why you didnt go down the elevator instead of going up. You said that was the way the elevator was going and you didnt want to risk it. You then are keypad cracking a door and mowing down an unarmed officer in Greyhawk. And taking two people hostage. You say you were going to be destroying evidence, but since you just killed two officers its clear that you were guilty of the charges and there was no point to you even going up but to get out as quick as possible.

The reason only you and zombie were banned from the group was because you started the whole nexus situation. Greyhawk passively questioned you and was performing one of the best cop rp I have seen like he always does and you go kill the commander after he puts one of you in handcuffs and storm up and kill another. You say you didnt know how bad it was on the bottom floor and didnt know if people were going down, but how hard would of it been to get out honestly. And how easily did the rest of your group get in whenever they came to begin the brigade to freedom.

Whenever I was talking to you afterwards on steam you summed it up the best " We didn't go out the way to promoted agressiveRP. We went out the way to promote moderated agressiveRP."

I have said everything to you and explained the whole reasoning for what happened. I have really nothing else to say to you personally on this ban request because I am repeating myself to you.

All true, i guess there was a high chance of failure in this mission, but since they were alrdy going up the elevator why not take the investigator with them?

But as u said, destroying the evidence while killing 2 ppl in the nexus is futile, would only bring our group down in more shit than we alrdy was
However, if you wish for me to provide a reason for that, in RP sense: "Dead men tell no tales." However, my plan for afterwards would have been to taken the hostages, got in a car, and ran. Drop the hostages off somewhere, then drive to a house and take cover until the heat died down.

Still waiting for Gray to be online in steam.

May I also reitterate the point that what you banned me for is not a rule.
Doctor Internet;

Developer, Systems Operator,
Data Protection Officer, Business Advisor,
Server Administrator, Community Moderator
My apollogies for the double post, but may I leave you with this quote from soul?
[FL] SoulRipper Wrote:1:45 PM - [FL] SoulRipper: I don't know that rule?
1:45 PM - [FL] SoulRipper: If it aint in the rules it aint bannable
1:46 PM - [FL] SoulRipper: As long if it's not unrealistic or FailRP it's allowed
Doctor Internet;

Developer, Systems Operator,
Data Protection Officer, Business Advisor,
Server Administrator, Community Moderator
Doing everything in your capability to provoke aggression can be filed under FailRP. I've got no idea what you were talking to Soul about there, since the least you broke were hostage rules;
Quote:5. Once the hostage has gave you your demands you must release him/her.
6. Once you have taken a hostage you must look after them until they have accepted your demands.
7, Don't hostage players randomly.
It is FailRP to go out of your way to promote aggressiveRP. Instead of leaving the nexus whenever you had the chance you didnt. You went to cause more havoc before you left. Now if your plan was to destroy the evidence and go into hiding wouldnt you be basically destroying yourself because you going to destroy evidence makes you guilty of charges and dont forget you murdering two cops before even getting there? Wouldnt that throw red flags for the case?
(12-01-2013, 12:56 PM)Killjoy Wrote: Doing everything in your capability to provoke aggression can be filed under FailRP. I've got no idea what you were talking to Soul about there, since the least you broke were hostage rules;
Quote:5. Once the hostage has gave you your demands you must release him/her.
6. Once you have taken a hostage you must look after them until they have accepted your demands.
7, Don't hostage players randomly.

Firstly, the quote from Soul was talking about unwritten rules in general, such as "going out of your way to promote AgressiveRP".

5) During the first heist that took hostages, they were released.
During the second, we never had our demands filled, or even said.

6) Which we did, on both occasions.

7) I believe that it was explained well enough in the OP.

With all due respect KillJoy, stop trying to frame me as the worst rule-breaker in FL's history.

(12-01-2013, 04:21 PM)Drogas Wrote: It is FailRP to go out of your way to promote aggressiveRP. Instead of leaving the nexus whenever you had the chance you didnt. You went to cause more havoc before you left. Now if your plan was to destroy the evidence and go into hiding wouldnt you be basically destroying yourself because you going to destroy evidence makes you guilty of charges and dont forget you murdering two cops before even getting there? Wouldnt that throw red flags for the case?

It is FailRP to go out of your way to promote aggressiveRP...
Since when?

You are also missing the point that was if we had not continued in the removal of evidence, the investigation would have continued, possibily leading in a all-out Police siege, which is a disruption of most Police duties on the server, which also would have led to a lot more deaths, compared to the two which occurred this time.
Doctor Internet;

Developer, Systems Operator,
Data Protection Officer, Business Advisor,
Server Administrator, Community Moderator
This is may Side of the story,

1st. Doctor Internet and his crew were randomly hostaging ppl and taking them into they're base. It caused no RP and only frustration to players for a while.
2nd. Hostage situation happens at the cafe. I arrive as the gang takes of with the hostage. I set up the crimesceen untill the sister of the hostage arrives. We do some lovely Passive RP untill Doc Internet metagames as he could hear us talking through the wall. ( this wall must have been 3 meters wide he only heard us cause Garrys Mod does'nt take objects into account). I take the witnesses to a safehouse in the nexus (3rd floor). After I get called to Doc Internets '' Gun License shop'' (or something like that) for practisising I make the arrest and take Internet and his lawyer for questioning to the prisoner floor of the nexus. I cuff the suspect but for RP reasons I dont cuff the lawyer , assuming that you cant hide a AK-47 under your blazer past 2 cops and the SRU. Well I as wrong, while getting the witnesses for the Identification of the Suspect, Doc Interents lawyer uncuffs him and both take out a AK and blow the nexus to bits. I protected the witnesses but after I got shot down I disc thinking that after a great day of great Cop RP I dont need to do this non RP related BS to myself.

I'm sad cause it shows once again that policing in Fearless is only doable with the ''taze,cuff,warrant,Batton'' method witch isnt realy RPing and totaly boring.

If anything is unclear to you comment and I will try to help - I will gladly try to make the admins desicion easier anyway I can.

Kind but dissapointed Regards,

Loves gentle souls who stop when pulled over

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:34570322&b=8]

(12-01-2013, 08:36 PM)Grayhawk Wrote: This is may Side of the story,

1st. Doctor Internet and his crew were randomly hostaging ppl and taking them into they're base. It caused no RP and only frustration to players for a while.
2nd. Hostage situation happens at the cafe. I arrive as the gang takes of with the hostage. I set up the crimesceen untill the sister of the hostage arrives. We do some lovely Passive RP untill Doc Internet metagames as he could hear us talking through the wall. ( this wall must have been 3 meters wide he only heard us cause Garrys Mod does'nt take objects into account). I take the witnesses to a safehouse in the nexus (3rd floor). After I get called to Doc Internets '' Gun License shop'' (or something like that) for practisising I make the arrest and take Internet and his lawyer for questioning to the prisoner floor of the nexus. I cuff the suspect but for RP reasons I dont cuff the lawyer , assuming that you cant hide a AK-47 under your blazer past 2 cops and the SRU. Well I as wrong, while getting the witnesses for the Identification of the Suspect, Doc Interents lawyer uncuffs him and both take out a AK and blow the nexus to bits. I protected the witnesses but after I got shot down I disc thinking that after a great day of great Cop RP I dont need to do this non RP related BS to myself.

I'm sad cause it shows once again that policing in Fearless is only doable with the ''taze,cuff,warrant,Batton'' method witch isnt realy RPing and totaly boring.

If anything is unclear to you comment and I will try to help - I will gladly try to make the admins desicion easier anyway I can.

Kind but dissapointed Regards,


1st: You make it sound like we took a whole bunch of hostages, which is not true. The pavilion hostaging i cant speak of since i couldnt see the actuall text messaging myself during that situation, so doctor will have to have his say in that i just followed orders.

2nd: i can not speak of as of how Doctor internet found out you were invesitgating him, but as far as i know of its not metagaming to listen through walls, u can do that irl to, most walls are not soundproof.

3rd: how realistic is it then that one investigating officer is going to take a whole crime gang down without any resistance?

You claim them killing you is non RP related, You got killed for trying to take our organization down. We are not made for your RP, we RP ourself to, and our IC characters would rather not get caught, just because you had thought of this one solution to this where you're the hero and take us all to jail because of ur detective work , doesnt mean we are going to make that easy for you.

looks to me ur own failure of taking safety precautions got you killed.
(12-01-2013, 08:36 PM)Grayhawk Wrote: This is may Side of the story,

1st. Doctor Internet and his crew were randomly hostaging ppl and taking them into they're base. In the terms of the heist on the cafe, two hostages were taken, one was was released on scene, the other was drive to the radio tower, and you were called after we got away. None of those hostages were taken to our base. It caused no RP and only frustration to players for a while.
2nd. Hostage situation happens at the cafe. I arrive as the gang takes of with the hostage. I set up the crimesceen untill the sister of the hostage arrives. We do some lovely Passive RP Didn't you just say we created no RP? untill Doc Internet metagames as he could hear us talking through the wall.If I can hear contraband, gunshots and fires through walls, doesn't it make sense that I can hear voices? And how is it using OOC information ICly? ( this wall must have been 3 meters wide he only heard us cause Garrys Mod does'nt take objects into account). During the heist, Pavilion did check it, the store extends quite far back, I'll provide screenshots / diagrams tomorrow morning. I take the witnesses to a safehouse in the nexus (3rd floor). After I get called to Doc Internets '' Gun License shop'' Gun Safety Workshop, the ironic name was chosen for a reason. (or something like that) for practisising I make the arrest and take Internet and his lawyer for questioning to the prisoner floor of the nexus. I cuff the suspect but for RP reasons I dont cuff the lawyer , assuming that you cant hide a AK-47 under your blazer past 2 cops and the SRU. Perhaps in a lawyers briefcase? And besides, weapons can be hidden under jackets fairly well. Well I as wrong, while getting the witnesses for the Identification of the Suspect, Doc Interents lawyer uncuffs him and both take out a AK AK and Galil and blow the nexus to bits. Two deaths of a fairly full Government team, using less than a box of rifle ammo each? Totally shot to bits. I protected the witnesses but after I got shot down I disc thinking that after a great day of great Cop RP I dont need to do this non RP related BS to myself.

I'm sad cause it shows once again that policing in Fearless is only doable with the ''taze,cuff,warrant,Batton'' method witch isnt realy RPing and totaly boring. No, it proves that doing a RP that may include checking cases, patting people down etc might have done well, after all, until you cuffed me in the Nexus, I still had a ready-to-fire AK equipped. Also, a random guy from the same building the suspect of a criminal gang is from, claiming to be a lawyer?...

-Ending Snip-

With all due respect, all your statement seems to do is to be vague, and it seems to ignore the majority of RP we did, along with contradicting yourself in it.
Doctor Internet;

Developer, Systems Operator,
Data Protection Officer, Business Advisor,
Server Administrator, Community Moderator
Vague? That is exactly what happened. You had no reason to hostage the people you did and Pavilion is a witness to this. Your "lawyer" destroyed a passive questioning. And you went out of your way to kill Grayhawk and take more hostages.

If you want me to change your ban to actual rules so you can stop saying that instead of just summing it up with Promoting aggressive RP I will. But you broke the rules and this is the conclusion.


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