I dont understand... This is random.
Your name: (Steam friends name) Dogysmash

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 40091

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag) Drogas

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?) Prop Climbing

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.) Me Drogas, I cant remember who's base it was.

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

Really, Im not sure why I was banned. Drogas asked me to as why I 'Prop Climbed' (which I didn't) and I said I parkoured, I then told him to come to me so I could explain, but instead he banned me!

The base:

The base was trying to look real (for RP I'm guessing), I thought I saw a fault ( a way to climb over using HIS PROPS ONLY!) . And I was right, I could jump onto his props (base) and over the wall, as the wall was low.

Reason I should be unbanned (Main):

I used toe props that he made his base out of a STAIRS and using them like stairs, it was easy to get up. I never used my own props at all. I also didn't do anything in the base apart from let myself out (via a button)


A 5 day ban is very unnecessary for a scenario this minor. I went over a wall (which I was allowed to do, it the way I did it) and let myself out. I have seen people who propclimb in raids and get -3 day bans. But I get 5 day for a minor situation, especially one that wasn't even against the rules!

I request that Drogas does not decide the fate of my unban request, though I would like him to explain the points he wishes to make.
Prop climbing is climbing on props. You used the build to climb over the wall that was made and go inside of their base. But as you wish I will have someone else write the final verdict.
Hear me out...

Are you allowed to use stairs? Yes

Can you make your own stairs? Yes

If you think hard, this I what he did. He made stairs (by accident) with props, then walked/went up the stairs. Still not against the rules.

You accuse me of prop climb... And please can you refer me to the Propclimb rule, as I cannot find it.

Also, I did nothing to the base, as I just went in, then walked out via a button.

Also, if this ban is not relieved, then at least shorten it, as a 5 day ban is over the top, Prop climbing into a base to walk back out is a very VERY minor rule break, and considering I didn't break the rules, the ban should be lifted. But otherwise shortend.
I did hear you out. I asked you why you were prop climbing. Its not like I just banned you on the spot. You told me you were parkouring. I then came to the conclusion that is a horrible reason for what you were doing. Granted there is no good reason to prop climb over someones base and that being your reason I personally didnt want to hear anymore from you.
It's still propclimbing, just because a ledge sticks out that you can jump on and over a wall doesn't mean it is intended for you to do so.
It was a very low wall, and it wasn't a ledge, it was a staircase like pattern. And like I said, a 5 day ban is very over exaggerated. I have seen people propclimb in a raid and get banned for 2-3 days. Yet I 'Propclimb' (Which I still think I innocent about) and I get nearly twice as long?

And please can you tell me which section/number of the rules it is in. (I know its somewhere, I just cant find it.)
You know prop climbing is not allowed, this is your 11th ban. 5 days is more than fair.
This may be my 11th ban. But I have had a couple months difference in between this, and my last ban.

Now please can someone refer me to the rule on Propclimbing?

I have to go for 30 minutes, please do no accept/deny the Unban Request in that time, I will answer your questions in 30 minutes. As I will be AFK and will not be able to explain my points.
Do not abuse your physgun, toolgun, props or any of the tools

And if that is too vague for you: Do not climb on your car, this is considered as propclimbing

That's clear enough even though we don't have a rule straightforward for it.
HOLD ON! During the time this ban request has been up my ban has been extended to 13 days and 24 hours!!!! Why!? And I didn't use a car to propclimb, nor any other vehicle. There is no rule saying I cannot jump on another player's props. As I didn't use my pyhs gun or toolgun or any other objects of mine, tehn I should be banned.

I will be AFK for the rest of the night (around 21 hours until I'm back on) when I am I will continue commenting on this UBR

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