Rule Clarification.
Alright... a friend of mine has been banned for racism, and this is not a thread to contest or argue with that, it has just been brought to my attention because of it.

I was told this:
Racism is not allowed of any sort in OOC, but it is in IC as long as you are not running around spamming it or making it unreasonable.

Apparantly nowadays you cant even say anything remotely racist, even IN CHARACTER without getting a nice little timeout? I myself do not offend to any of those names, and am not racist.

Lastly, there is a difference between using the N word and ending it with 'er' then ending it with an 'a'. I dont understand but apparantly ending with 'er' is alot worse and thats just how shit is in america. Besides, I recall one day, I joined the server where Storm and s.J came upto me as drugdealers talking in this "Stereotypical drugdealer slang" calling me things like "Cracka" and "N*gga". Of course I did not mind this at all but there needs to be a WRITTEN RULE stating what can and cannot be said, where it can be said, and terms etc. I have said the N word a FEW times in IC and nothing happened... I didnt have a word said to me. So, whats the deal here admins? Im not mad, just wondering the rules so I can play smoothly here.


EDIT: Just checked the CityRP rules here on the forum to make sure I hadnt missed something. The OOC/IC rules dont even touch on rascism. There is no mention whatsoever of it throughout the rules listen on the forum.
The following 2 users Like Noobias's post:
  • PrivateToast, Biowulf
Racism is not a laughing matter, it is not cool and it does not make you tough.
We used to allow it if the rp was good and the terms were used to enhance the rp.
Gestapo was just slinging it around without any rp involved,
Now after a discussion we've heightened the strictness, racism is now completely off limits IC and OOC because of people abusing the IC ruling by saying: "oh I was IC it didn't count!" Even though the situation did not call for racism.
(We did say presidents etc could do it if the rp applied and they had permission from an admin)
Alright thank you Storm!
If it is infact completely off limits to IC, does that mean I cant even do that Drugdealer RP you did that one time?
You can, you just can't use any racist slurs to enhance it.
Is saying 'baldy' to the P. commander also racism? ^^
Thank you Storm Cheese

I think this should be added to the rules if it hasnt yet.
Yerh the rules should be more clear about rasicm, im not here to complain tho.

I know it was dumb, It wasn't funny either and I will never say something like that again. That ban really changed my behavior on the server.
The following 1 user Likes Fleet Admiral Zapington's post:
  • sebido
Racism in IC should be allowed as long as it is for a roleplay reason, and isn't taken too far. By all means, call someone a digger all you want IC, but just make sure you're not saying it for the sake of it...

I'm not making the rules here; this is just me stating my opinion.
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Well the thing is, there are the people who will take that privileged and run around the town with their caps on yelling the word over and over again. So anyways thanks.

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