[FL:RP] Uzi Mad ass gamer
Name of player: [FL:RP] Uzi

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60430408

Time in GMT: 3;50 Belgium time

Server: V33X

Summary: Well we raided him for shooting us troo a small hole/Doomfort After that he became Sru and started acting rude and started Rdming us.
You can check logs who he killed.

Evidence: Skip to 2;00 To see raid And 9;30 To see him shoot me for no reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a5QUengW...e=youtu.be
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
He has been minging for the last 3 days now, He insults me everytime he see's me, I have seen him propush cop cars and I have video and pictures of all this if you need it NOTE: He has 10 bans on his steam ID already!
He should be perma banned for all the cdmes he has done!
He literally as a officer comes up to people and shoots them in the face for no reason, then once demoted comes back as SRU.
Banrequest approved.

Accused player was found guilty of major failRP and minging, doomforting, randomly shooting at people. 11'th ban. A permaban has been issued.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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