[UnBan] Dark Sniper, Sorry, It's only been a month
Your name: Dark Sniper

Your ban ID: 32094

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Reason: Mass RDM, 13th ban

Involved: Chef and Security Guard
Why we should unban you: Dear Temar,
It's been a while since I joined the fearless community, allmost a year now, So much has changed since then, my brother told me to join this community, so I did, I didn't at thee time understand the concept of "RolePlay" Then, and I didn't think the server was gonna be as good as it is, I read a few of the rules, and I thought I got the concept of roleplay.

All I did, since then was jsut save money by contraband, with my brother, we baught the MTL in the industrial place on EvocityX33x and we started to make contraband, at that time I didn't know there was a time limit and a limit for keypads, I haad one by the entrance, by The hallway and in the contraband storage. All with 1 secound timer, When clearly in the rules it says minimum 3 secounds. That was a reason for one of my first bans, and I learn't that mistake. Also A few weeks before, I was chef, I made a food store/ resturant In one of the stores in EvoCityV33x, I made a waiting place outside, made with 4 blue chairs and welded them to the wall I placed behind, because I didn't have much customers I pressed z 4 times, thinking i got rid of the chairs, when i was at Car Dealer, becasue my brother wanted me to come there for some reason. When i got back the chairs we're all in the road, cause they we're unwelded. An Admin came to me, think his name was Ghost Rider, And banned me for spamming chairs.

Another Ban, from salisky was, Prop Clim, Basicly Me and him were rebels in MTL, I didn't realise you weren't aloud to make platforms to see people other the fence, Aka Doom Forting, I had no idea what that was at the time, and He thought I was prop climbing the wall. Also My CDM Bans, are caused by my massive lag spikes and, I'm not the best driver, however people shouldn't be walking in the road when a car is comming, It's common sence.

One other time, My 6th ban, I got banned for contraband as PC, first of all I was citizen when I made the contra, then i didn't stop to think before becomming Police Commander that I still had contra, about 15 minutes later I realised that I i did So I decided to come back and destroy it, I got caught up in the traffic becasue the was a arrest taking place. Before I knew it, I was teleported to the place were my contra was, and Zealord banned me, He didn't even let me explain.

I remember alot of good roleplays however, since I got unbanned from my 12 ban, I thought to myself, I would never break a rule again, So I decided to join the clan SlyFox, I was so happy that they let me in, even though I had 12 bans, but a few days later after I joined,on EvoCityV2p I was really hungry, I went to this chefs shop and I was trying to buy sometihng of him, I was citizen at the time, and his security guard started stabbing me, they both had like 5 hours play time, So I pulled out a USP and said, Dont assault me or I'll shoot, so what does the chef do pulls out a pistol to my head, so I shoot him, in real life if someone was pointing a pistol at me, i would shoot him, I said Woah Woah Woah Woah, What are you doing I'm just trying to buy something and you little friend here keeps stabbing me while I order, In the mic, He shoots me in the chest I'm on 15 health So I shoot him, and he dies,The other guy is still trying to stab me but misses a few times, then I go out of the shop He keeps trying so I say Stop or I'll shoot, He keeps doing it, So I shoot him, He falls to the ground, I tell the police what happend and there ok with it, I go to the hospital for some health and the chef follows me with a knife, clearly NLR and attempt RDM, I say dude NLR, leave this area or you'll get banned so he stabbsme, I shoot him once, He pulls out a pistol, shoots me in the leg, again, so I shoot him, He keeps on doing this till I leave in the car, He is Jumping On top of my Hummer and Punching It, While I try to contact the admin I get banned for the number of kills that have rolled up on the "Tab" list.

Temar Really I have changed I think it's to do with puberty, I have matured alot lately, Started my own band, On November the 8th, Batlle of the bands starts, and we're in it to win it!

Also If you want you can take away guns for ever, becasue I've learned that you dont need guns to roleplay, most of my good roleplays dont involve using guns. Please If you unban me now, I will not go back to how I was, I have changed for good, I am no longer the fearless Minge I used to be, I've changed and if you don't Belive me, Take away weapons Or anything, I just really want to be back on fearless, Think about it please, I really want to come back to fearless, It's the best server I've found on garry's mod and the funist, I will do anything to be back on, I've gone through all of the rules alot, just to make sure that I dont get involved in any rule breaking critereas.

Yours Sincerely, Dark Sniper

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