CamperMan - Mass Cdm and Propkilling
User: Camperman

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16693637

Map: V2D

Time: 5 Minutes ago

Reason: Mass CDM as fireman, Propkilling.

Evidence: Logs can show the CDM, here is a video of him propkilling me and disconnecting.
I'm not seeing any names or owner of props in the video. Do you have any more evidence?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
I don't have any evidence but I can confirm that this guy was running people over with his firetruck last night at about 11:30 - 12:00 pm EST. If you have access to kill logs from that time you will see he killed a lot of people in a firetruck, there is no reason to kill that many people with a firetruck. Once or twice COULD be an accident but I think I remember him killing at least 5 people. And also breaking NLR and fear RP running away from cops with guns and not getting out of his impounded carwith guns pointed at him in an enclosed area.
I have more evidence, i will post it when i have the time.
Nevinator. I would like if you were to post your evidence when possible so I can make up my mind about this BR.

Thank you
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Sorry, i am not involved. BUT
I have found name of him. Its at 0,04 but its hard to catch the moment so here is picture.
[Image: 1lch.png]
Thank you DarkN00b.

Banrequest approved. A 1 month ban has been given.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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