[UN-OFFICIAL] Kriegerisch; OHG
[Image: emblem.png]

[Image: title11.png]


[Image: introduction2.png]

[Image: introduction1.png]


We're your savior! We stared into the abyss and saw the corrupted intentions of the vast "security," of your precious-city. We wish to expose their true identity. They evoke a false sense of danger, and worry, among-st the city, and the people. They do this, because they want to receive more clients. More clients? More money! Do not let this go-on, join the revolution!

Let us be the only organisation you look-up to! We will protect you, we rule-all, and any-one who think other-wise will be obliterated in our path! Do not continue this foolish-ness, stop giving in to their lies, we're the one true power you need; join us!


Our aim is to be the enemy of the various spy/security-based organisations on the server. Usually, they will argue among-st one-another for clients, be it a single person, or the government. While reading this, I'm sure you're thinking our aim is being masked, and what we really which to do is random-death-matching. Not true, obviously, being the enemy of these organisation we're likely to be in a variety of situations involving aggressive role-play. We also wish to create many role-play events which will be used to convey our "oppressive," intentions.

We understand we will in the firing-line of the server; at least most of the time, in-both the thread, and on the server. However, we feel we're fully prepared to take the brunt of-it. We do not wish to create un-necessary war; we just want to be the enemy, as there is no-clan that wants to take that burden. We're the toy these spy/security-based organisations can play with if they please. Which, would be encouraged, if you want to prove your-self to clients, or just have a joined, team-based experience with your organisation.


[Image: history1.png]

[Image: history2.png]


Kriegerisch was founded in 1937, a couple of years before the second world-war. Although it silently, and secretly did-not agree with Adolf Hitler's regime entirely; they did support his dedication into shaping his country into a high-power. After the war, they became more spoken than they originally were to continue the sense of authority, and power the country had at the time. After succeeding; making their country proud again, when the rights they re-earned after the first world-war were on the brink of being stripped again, they decided to take this mind-set to a controversial area of the planet. America.

The decision was made; and in 1996 they moved their presence to America. Once their foot-hold was set in there, they did not hold-back in expressing their views as they did in Germany. However, their intentions were not to press their views in the aid/assistance of Germany, but to promote their way-of-life upon the American people. Upon arriving, they noticed just how big of a job it would be. The citizens of this foreign country did not seem to accept their promising authority.

Instead, they decided to remain in the comfort of their already-established organisations. This is when the aim of Kriegerisch had to change, for the benefit of the country! They viewed these organisations bitterly, and with hatred. Their judgment was that they evoked a false-sense of danger, and worry among-st it's citizens. They conveyed this danger in such a way, that it made these foreign powers seem so alien that it became scary. Hence why they weren't so accepted there. They haven't given-up, however; they're recruiting similar-thinking Americans to aid their revolution against the American government, and their supportive, law-enforcing organisations.

If you wish to join us against these communist cowards, join the revolution. Join the Kriegerisch! We will provide you with all you need, or could desire. If you wish to see this potentially capable country shaped under one, dominant, and protective power; which will serve it's people with pride!


[Image: information10.png]

[Image: information9.png]


Our clan is not only governmental-based, but it is also part-agency. This means we will not only try to restrict other organisations from functioning for the citizens benefit, we will also conduct special-operations against them. We're based at "Izzie's Palace," on V33X. However, our locality is subject to change. Events which are involved with our destination are key to other organisations to find out confidential information involving our clan. Which, during an event; will be left around the mansion for role-play purposes.

We want the events, which will hopefully be regular, to spark-interest in other agencies to have an advantage over-us. We will have guards, which will be in-charge of keeping this information safe, how you wish to tackle them is up-to-you. Here are a few options; kill the guards silently; with-out alerting other guards or soldiers, attempt to sneak past-them, at key intervals, go-loud, not recommended. A lot of guards will be positioned to deal with such-situations, or try to find; easier to obtain information around the mansion, out-of-sight of any guards.


[Image: members2.png]

[Image: members3.png]


Any rank of the member of Kriegerisch, can be seen in the ranking system, please scroll-down to see them in better quality/size. All rules regarding any-thing, including in-activity can be found below; in the "regulations," section. Also, if you wish to join, you can find "how to apply," at the bottom of the page.

General - small_bear - STEAM_0:1:29400383
Officer - [FL:RP] Jono - STEAM_0:1:27711625
Specialist - add22 - STEAM_0:1:57053311
Soldier - Steven.Burnett - STEAM_0:0:20414198
Soldier - VenomzzxD - STEAM_0:1:42682118
Recruit - zombieshooter47 - STEAM_0:1:46157497
Recruit - ToM233 - STEAM_0:0:17804812


[Image: divisions4.png]

[Image: divisions5.png]


We are aware that the ranks/divisions are-not accurate. The objective of the ranks/divisions is to give our members something to aim for, to achieve. We don't want to see any-body complaining that we got something wrong, when we're fully-aware of this. All the divisions descriptions can be seen below!

[Image: icon3.png]


Recruit is the lowest-possible division of Kriegerisch; this division is applied to the first three-ranks. Gefreiter, Soldat, and Obergefreiter. This division will be assigned to all new-comers to the clan, un-less you're personally invited by Albrecht Schweitzer him-self! Once you have progressed through the first three-ranks, we-will know you can be trusted, and are capable of more great-feats. The next division-past this; can be seen below.

[Image: icon2.png]


This division is the most-common among-st the organisation. This is partly-due to the fact it requires you to pass four-ranks, and un-arguably the more you progress; the harder it gets. The next division is only given to those that we-know can achieve even more than they already are, and can be trusted to carry out the most severe-tasks without fail.

[Image: icon4_jpg.png]


A specialist can be expected to carry-out extreme tasks, and operations. Therefore, we can only award this rank to the most trusted of soldiers. Few make the role, how-ever the fact remains that we're all working for the same-man. Albrecht Schweitzer. The same-leader who places food on our table, and roofs over our heads. Feeds our families, and invests his life-into promoting a successful, and promising way-of-life which we're so blessed to already possess!

[Image: icon5.png]


Typically assists Albrecht Schweitzer in diplomatic circumstances. Although he will apply the techniques, the officers will work with him on what techniques he should be applying, depending on the situation or the severity of the event. This division will usually be given to those of a more passive-nature, how-ever agree with his organisations legacy; or those who are retiring Specialists. This is the maximum achievable division if their is already a General in-power. And even then, the selection is a difficult, draining-process.

[Image: icon6.png]


The most respected person in Kriegerisch. He cannot be over-thrown, his legacy is one that inspires each-and-every soul in his organisation. His objective is to better the lives of every-one on this planet. Started in Germany, and continued in America. His ability to lead his people; and obtain so many followers should be seen with nothing less than the up-most respect any-one can muster.


[Image: ranking5.png]

[Image: ranking6.png]


The ranks out-lined here must be earned, and achieved with dedication for our-cause. We expect you to respect those of a higher-authority; and to abide the regulations with pride. Our organisation is determined to better people such as your-self, and the best way to get started is by joining us in our struggle to over-throw these spiteful, law-supporting, communist-wretches! All ranks are in-order of their importance, starting from the lowest-possible rank.

Spoiler :


[Image: rank1.png]


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[Image: regulations3.png]

[Image: regulations4.png]

Respect everybody in the clan, especially those of a higher authority.

Abide by the server rules. We're not responsible for you breaking them.
Depending on the severity, you may be kicked.

Do not trade confidential information, such as the radio frequency.

Do not cause violence in our name without approval and over-sight.

Allowing the public to enter bases of ours without approval from superiors. This counts as giving away confidential information.

Mis-obey orders or misbehave, especially during operations will lead to a kick.


[Image: requirements6.png]

[Image: requirements7.png]


You're expected to follow the regulations, this is one of the most basic requirements for joining our organisation. You must be prepared to take on the brunt of-all organisations that wish to attack us, this means weapons, food, ammunition, and kevlar. Some of which will be provided upon joining, and at regular intervals.

Also, you should always try to turn up to events, failure to over a number of times, especially with poor-excuses, will cause an immediate kick from-the organisation. If you're banned, but you feel it was un-justified, you must make an un-ban request in the court-house section of the forums. It will be monitored by my-self, and other officers to determine for my-self whether or not you will be allowed to stay within the organisation.

On the other-hand, you should always follow the server-rules. If you slip, you may/may not be forgiven, depending on the severity of the situation. You should own a microphone, this isn't too important, as long as your communication skills are one of your key-traits. In-other-words, fast typing, and clear information.


[Image: how_to_apply9.png]

[Image: how_to_apply8.png]


So, you wish to join us? I see. Well, once you have personally agreed with our rules, the requirements, and our regime, you can! Join us in our goal to eliminate all of the security/spy based organisations that evoke a false sense of danger to its citizens; in order to spread panic, in order to gain money! These communist, law-supporting scum must be stopped! See our application template below! Join the revolution!
Also, our Steam-page can be found, here; http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kriegerisch/

[i][b]Out-Of-Character Information: [/b][/i]
[b]Steam-Name: [/b]
[b]Previous Bans: [/b]
[b]Nationality: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Time Spent On Server: [/b]
[b]Role-Play Points: [/b]
[b]Ex-Clans: [/b]
[b]Access To Microphone: [/b]
[b]Willing To Change In-Character Name To German Origin: [/b]

[i][b]In-Character Information: [/b][/i]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Nationality: [/b]
[b]Previous Experience: [/b]
[b]Why Do You Wish To Join: [/b]


Spoiler :

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
The following 5 users Like Small Bear's post:
  • Jono, A_Grape, Burnett, Glade, Floodify
[Image: 823px_Wappen_Deutsches_Reich_Reichsadler_1889.png]

[Image: recruitment.png]


Hello, citizen!

We're in pursuit of brave citizens to help our cause! We want to help you, but first, we must remove the un-necessary obstacles that lay before us! We will purify you; this treachery can-not go un-seen. These security/spy-based organisations, that lie to people like you, and me, and support the un-just, secretive, and manipulative government must be eliminated!

Please refer to our "requirements," section at the bottom of our page, and see if you're able to join! Fill out our application, and post it below. We need clear-thinking people like you to join our organisation! Join us, and prosper!

You can see our recruitment video below, or in our "how-to-apply," section;

Spoiler :

Your's sincerely,

[Image: gustav.png]
A more fitting signature. 
The following 3 users Like Jono's post:
  • Small Bear, Burnett, Glade

Out-Of-Character Information:
Steam-Name: Burnett
Previous Bans: 3
Nationality: German
Age: 20
Time Spent On Server: 837 hours
Role-Play Points: 3
Ex-Clans: none
Access To Microphone: Yes
Willing To Change In-Character Name To German Origin: Yes

Dear Mr Albrecht Schweitzer.

I would like to apply for a job.

My name is Steven 'Magnum' Burnett.
I was born in Germany, I'm 20 years old and I'm prepared with weapons, food and kevlar.

I have read a lot about Kriegerisch and I want to be a part of your organisation.

I would like to promote your organization.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will be able to invite me for an interview. (Out of character: Private Message)

Sincerely, yours Steven Burnett.
The following 2 users Like Burnett's post:
  • Jono, Small Bear
Loving the graphics and the layout, good luck!
The following 2 users Like Verzyn's post:
  • Jono, Burnett
Very nice looking! I wish you the best of luck with the clan.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
The following 2 users Like dig's post:
  • Burnett, Small Bear

Spoiler :
(10-28-2013, 11:50 PM)Steven.Burnett Wrote: APPLICATION

Out-Of-Character Information:
Steam-Name: Burnett
Previous Bans: 3
Nationality: German
Age: 20
Time Spent On Server: 837 hours
Role-Play Points: 3
Ex-Clans: none
Access To Microphone: Yes
Willing To Change In-Character Name To German Origin: Yes

Dear Mr Albrecht Schweitzer.

I would like to apply for a job.

My name is Steven 'Magnum' Burnett.
I was born in Germany, I'm 20 years old and I'm prepared with weapons, food and kevlar.

I have read a lot about Kriegerisch and I want to be a part of your organisation.

I would like to promote your organization.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will be able to invite me for an interview. (Out of character: Private Message)

Sincerely, yours Steven Burnett.


Your application has been accepted!

[Image: tick.png]

I, Albrecht Schweitzer, would like to welcome on behalf of Kriegerisch our newest member! Welcome, Steven.Burnett! I believe you will be a powerful asset; and give our organisation the morale it needs to achieve great deeds in this new-land!

You will be given all you need to be among-st my men. Personally.

Your's sincerely,

[Image: Untitled_1.png]

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
The following 2 users Like Small Bear's post:
  • Jono, Burnett
Oh god, I love it! Absolutely amazing, the Grapich and the layout is top notch!

I wish you the very best of luck.
Kind Regards,
The following 2 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Jono, Burnett
(10-29-2013, 12:48 AM)myfloodify Wrote: Oh god, I love it! Absolutely amazing, the Grapich and the layout is top notch!

I wish you the very best of luck.

Thank you very much!

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
The following 1 user Likes Small Bear's post:
  • Floodify
[/align]Out-Of-Character Information:
Steam-Name: Venom
Previous Bans: 2
Nationality: American
Age: 15
Time Spent On Server: 487 hours
Role-Play Points: 2
Ex-Clans: SSC
Access To Microphone: Yes
Willing To Change In-Character Name To German Origin: Yes

In-Character Information:
Name: Nick "Venom" Williams
Age: 27
Nationality: Czechoslovakian
Previous Experience: Worked for the Slyfox Security Corporation
Why Do You Wish To Join: It seems like a very good job opportunity that would fulfill my kind of style with dealing with things. Also, I feel I could help this city and organization a lot with my experience and training.
The following 1 user Likes Venom's post:
  • Burnett

Spoiler :
(10-29-2013, 01:11 AM)VenomzzxD Wrote: Out-Of-Character Information:
Steam-Name: Venom
Previous Bans: 2
Nationality: American
Age: 15
Time Spent On Server: 487 hours
Role-Play Points: 2
Ex-Clans: SSC
Access To Microphone: Yes
Willing To Change In-Character Name To German Origin: Yes

In-Character Information:
Name: Nick "Venom" Williams
Age: 27
Nationality: Czechoslovakian
Previous Experience: Worked for the Slyfox Security Corporation
Why Do You Wish To Join: It seems like a very good job opportunity that would fulfill my kind of style with dealing with things.


Your application has been accepted!

[Image: tick.png]

I, Albrecht Schweitzer, would like to welcome on behalf of Kriegerisch our newest member! Welcome, VenomzzxD! I believe you can help us shape America; and give our organisation the support it requires to go-far!

You will be given all you need to be among-st my men. Personally.

Your's sincerely,

[Image: Untitled_1.png]

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
The following 2 users Like Small Bear's post:
  • Jono, Burnett

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