Jarz's Record
Your name: Jarz

Your ban ID: This incident number is 13695

Banned by: [past] [FL] Ruxandra

Reason: "Propclimbing"

Involved: [past] MikeCorps, [past] [FL] Ruxandra, [FL] SoulRipper. (Soul may remember this incident, I will contact him about this.)

Why we should unban you: The day before the incident of ban case "13695", a player initiated server-wide RP event had undergone. This RP was named "Parkour RP", where the play must jump from prop to prop in order to win a jackpot prize of _ amount. This event was supervised with the on-duty administrator at the time. Then the next day, MikeCorps and I decided to redo that roleplay. We went to the red warehouse in the industrial part of the map and began with schematics. Props here and there, we were half way done with the build, ~20 props in. Ruxandra teleports to me with Soul and freezes me. I was asked why I was doing this, and I responded "For a future RP event." I was banned on the spot, and same with my colleague. He was ALSO banned for breaking NLR. I would get his ban ID and everything, but Soul had removed his two day ban for doing more than what I had done.
This was because Mike had contacted Soul about this incident and understood the entire scenario. However when I tried to contact him, I got nothing. No response.
Here is a photograph on what it looked like.

[Image: icrj.jpg]
Pardon the big image, just click on it.
I was standing on the one next to the rest that had supports, and that is why I believe I was banned for "propclimbing" in entirety. There was no support underneath. MikeCorps was doing all of the supports, and I was making sure you could survive the thing without any life-protecting props underneath (Which we were going go add, hence why Mike got banned for NLR aswell. (He fell off))

Feel free to leave questions, I will answer them within the hour, then in 5 hours.
I get the fuzzy feeling something's been left out, since this doesn't add up. However, I'd like to bring up that if an admin authorizes or carries out any RP that requires a few rules to be looked away from, that's all his responsibility. Players reenacting it later without admin permission would just be breaking the rules and held liable all by themselves.
(10-17-2013, 09:04 AM)Killjoy Wrote: I get the fuzzy feeling something's been left out, since this doesn't add up. However, I'd like to bring up that if an admin authorizes or carries out any RP that requires a few rules to be looked away from, that's all his responsibility. Players reenacting it later without admin permission would just be breaking the rules and held liable all by themselves.
What doesn't add up?
Sorry if this is fuzzy, if anything I am forgetting a detail as this did happen over a year ago. However this does seem correct to me. We were going to contact the staff about this when the build was complete but I did not have enough time to even state that, that is my statement for any questionable build I commence, and have had no problem with it with anybody but her. Is it propclimbimg even when the building has supports? I've had no problems with that in the past, disregarding this one. I would honestly have less stress over this ban if Rux could have just listened it me.
If a ban is wrongful, why wait a year with appealing it?
Yes hello. Killjoy asked me nicely to post my side of the story regarding your situation.

I am kind of proud and would like to boast on having a pretty good memory when it comes to remembering incidents, and unfortunately for you I remember this one pretty well.

I was doing my usual routine in noclip to spy on possible rulebreakers when I see you two building these props, climbing on floating ones. Mikecorps fel down and died, came back not even one minute after hence why the added NLR breakage to his time, as for you, you did practically the same only didn't see a sudden death.

I don't see the problem with this ban really, you should have contested it when it happened, not almost a year after. Probably thought we couldn't recollect how it happened and accept the appeal?

To be honest, this is one of my slightest cares, but I still dislike liars.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
I posted because of this here thread:
I only wish this off of my record, its clung with me for a year and this thread made me realize that I could actually try and rid my record.
Could you expand on
Quote:as for you, you did practically the same only didn't see a sudden death.
I do not remember dying at all. If I had died you probably would have seen it and added it to the ban, but perhaps I am reading that wrong.

Just did some digging. Turns out I DID make an appeal. Don't remember doing that though, but here it is.
Killjoy: Never got to say this, but the reason I made the appeal was because MikeCorps had his ban removed on request by SoulRipper himself (under 1 hour or lower). I acknoledged the 24h UBR rule that was underplace, however Soul's action made me make one aswell, because as stated in the actual post up there, he never responded to mine, but to his..
So in that case, please do not call me a liar, I do not like them either, and I try to be as professional and truthful as possible in serious cases such as this.
May I remind you of the Ban Appeal rules?

Ban Appeal Rules: Wrote:Bantime under 1 week - A second ban request is not allowed.

This is your second ban appeal for a 24 hour ban, which is not permitted under our rule set.
This is still propclimbing, there was obviously a staff member present at the time whom nobody asked permission for.

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