I just did the best roleplay
Im just going to tell a nice story Cheese

So the corleones, sitting at their house, covering the next attack, until Big macintosh came
Big macintosh asked what our next attack was.
The leader, Zak said: We planned an attack, but we need the Police to be here. For that we need to request but we can't request ourselves, it would be suspisious.
Big macintosh came with a rather crazy, but smart idea
How about we stop a bystander amd hostage him? we will release him if he calls the SRU.
Zak said: Thats a great idea! But only 1 thing, Who will we hostage?
They kept calling people, until a police car drove by. Big macintosh ran outside, holding a gun against the window of the police car, Leaving the police officer with no other choice to get out of the car. Zak redirects him in the Corleone hideout.
They put hte cop in the garage, tie him up. They start directly by asking the question
Zak yels violently: Call you're mates! CALL THE SRU
The cop looked at Zak with fear in his eyes, His hands were chacking.
He grabbed his radio and sais:
All Forces to the house next to the paintball fields, over
Big macintosh yels: POSITIONS!
20 minutes later:
Big macintosh was looking for the cops, minutes seemed hours. Time went slow, but painfull. Until Stephan yells something out:
They are here! positions!
Everyone gets in position. The SRU stops next to the door and seems to be looking at the gate.
Big macintosh whispers: Are the Tranq's in position?
Christian Whispers back: Yes, they should be.
Than the SRU said something in the radio,
Later 3 more SRU cars drift in the area, 2 police cars.
Bullets fly in the windows. Blood on the floors.
Big Macintosh yells: Why aren't those tranqs shooting yet?!
Zak yells: I dont know!
Than a bullet flys in high speed in the arm of Big Macintosh.
He decides to put his gun in his backpack and tries to make a run for it.
He whispers to Zak: I know how to get out
Zak whispers in pain: How?
Big macintosh tells him about the car they stole from a rebel trying to break in.
It was standing unlocked, ready to drive away. Big macintosh looks around the corner to see if the SRU units were bizzy.
He sees his chance, takes Zak by his arm, Trows him in the car and Big macintosh speeds away.
A SRU saw it, and started shooting the car but failed.
While Zak and Big macintosh were driving away, they were talking about their plans to escape, Untill a car stops them by the road. Big macintosh stops the car, The police officer gets out of his vehicle.

*DDoS*. server crashed
The ending is the same, as usual.
Kind Regards,

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  • Moisty, Sleepy Knight 生活, Floodify, NotSep
I don't get it, you called cops to it base to kill em?
The following 3 users Like Prosto's post:
  • Davidson, Link, Bigmacintosh
(10-13-2013, 09:19 AM)Borovichok Wrote: I don't get it, you called cops to it base to kill em?

Because we wanted to infeltrate the nexus but we needed a distraction so the SRU and cops wouldnt be there
Ehmm, not to be a bitch lad... but that is really not what I would call best RP ever.
Mr. Davidson Wrote:Ehmm, not to be a bitch lad... but that is really not what I would call best RP ever.

I suppose if you're only experience of roleplay after minimal playtime is contrawhoring and being arrested... this sort of 'high-octane' gunfight stuff is pretty interesting. Glad you had fun I suppose, but I'd advise you to try some passive roleplaying every once in a while... helps to make your play style more diverse.
(10-13-2013, 09:11 AM)Link66 Wrote: The ending is the same, as usual.
I like to imagine it was the server's way of saying "TO BE CONTINUED!"
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The following 2 users Like Ms. Mudpie's post:
  • ArcHammer, Teh Time Rider
...Interesting. Perfect ending.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

Oh nelly, seems like we've got a prime example of what appears to be yet another incest and disgusting excuse of a role-playing event that I was unfortunate enough to read about.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
(10-13-2013, 12:41 PM)Mr. Davidson Wrote: Ehmm, not to be a bitch lad... but that is really not what I would call best RP ever.

i was actually sarcastic,
because it ends with DDoS, people iwll think: What makes this roleplay good?
Reading, reading
than finding out it got DDoSed...
i was pretty pissed at the time but later i could laugh about it d-;

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