Graphics Card Help
Okay, right now, the highest I will pay is about 450 dollars for a brand new graphics card, preferably from the GTX 700 series, as I am not too fond of AMD's line of graphics cards.

The ones that I am currently torn between are:
GTX 760
GTX 770
GTX 680

Or if I should save up and just get a single 690 around Christmas when I actually have that kind of money?

The 760 has shown great performance in 1080p games, but it won't really run multiple monitors at 1080p. I want to be able to run 3 1080p monitors and game over at least 45 FPS on pretty decent settings. I was thinking of running a 770 and then running another one in SLI once I needed the extra power, but I'm not sure if that will cut it or not for the next gen games that will be out soon.

I am still considering the 680 just because it has been a flagship card for nvidia and proves to be pretty powerful, but the 770 has pretty much got it beat for now.

A 780 has been out of my mind just because it seems overpriced for what it gives in performance terms.

A 690 is very enticing, but getting the money for that would be another obstacle to overcome.

The system that I am currently going to purchase is:
i5 4670k - ($239.99)
Corsair H100i - ($109.99)
MSI Z87-G45 Gaming Motherboard ATX LGA1150 - ($139.99)
Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4) DDR3-1600 - ($69.99)
Coolermaster HAF 932 Advanced - ($159.99)
XFX 850W ATX12v / EPS12v - ($99.99)

Okay, well there is my whole build that I will be purchasing sometime in October. I am completely open to all suggestions, but I tend to lean towards the GTX series. I have looked at the 7990, but with all the microstuttering stuff that I've been seeing lately, I've kind of steered away from this.

I didn't go with the i7 version just because I don't use hyperthreading and it's extra money spent on something that I won't use.

I will overclock this CPU to about 4.5GHz if I can get it there without BSODing, so lets hope that can be achieved. If you would like to make a different suggestion about this build other than the graphics card, that is perfectly fine.

tl;dr I want a great graphics card that won't give me trouble and run practically all next gen games on ultra settings with multiple 1080p monitors.

EDIT: Don't comment about hard drives, I already have one that I will be using, but if you have a nice SSD that isn't overpriced, then throw it out there for me!
Need technical help? Just send me a PM on the forums or add me on Steam!

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TL;DR what you need is the AMD's, I definitely recommend them to anyone over the GTX's because when I use to work at Bestbuy, once a week I would get a call about a GTX frying up. It even happened to me. The AMD's are not exactly the most userfriendly card out there, but it will hopefully let you have the bang for your buck.
You do not particularly need to spend 500 dollars or so on a single graphics card. Instead, get an AMD 7770, and work to get an i7!
Here are the two. 7770 . the 7770 can run bf3 at ~35 fps, but with the i7 below you are sure to get a few more FPS from it. i7 .

Should you ignore my hints, and you really want to spend $450 on a SINGLE attachment to your new computer, go for the 770, but save up an additional 50 dollars for a 4gb ddr5 one, it will be much more beneficial, and is not that much more than your top budget, making it an ease to save up a couple dollars extra.
I recommend getting a GTX680, because performance-wise they are usually pumping more frames per second than even the 700 series. I have never found Nvidia's Geforce series to be unreliable, in fact they are more reliable than AMD and more powerful.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

(08-29-2013, 11:49 PM)ArcHammer Wrote: I recommend getting a GTX680, because performance-wise they are usually pumping more frames per second than even the 700 series. I have never found Nvidia's Geforce series to be unreliable, in fact they are more reliable than AMD and more powerful.
If you want to make a beast, 2x asus gtx 660 will do it

for ssd
Save up for a 690 or 780.
Honestly I think AMD are much better. As said, less user friendly but does the job well.
Kind Regards,
Removed after review
The thread is not that old ;P
Kind Regards,
It's old enough that nobody has looked/replied to it in quite a while.

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