Unban request-FIR3FART
Your name: FIR3FART

Your ban ID: 38174

Banned by: [FL:M]Freezak

Reason: Random car stealing and avoiding punishment by killing himself

Involved: -
Why we should unban you: First i didnt failrp i was speaking through the mic .The car was unlocked for 2 minutes (i didnt broke vehicle rule 12-Don't steal someones car when it's getting unlocked,the phrase "its getting unlocked" means that time not left unlocked.When the moderator lifted me with his physgun we got to the roof to talk about what just happened,because of my connection i lagged when i runned to him and fell of the ledge and died.Its my last day playing in the server(studys) please unban and if i do anything wrong ban me for a month.
Finding loopholes isn't a nice way to get unbanned. Let me explain the reason of your ban once again. You stole a firetruck which was open, thus you broke a rule #12. Yes, #12. "Don't steal someones car when it's getting unlocked" - That means, don't steal it when it's unlocked at all, and don't steal it when someone is about to unlock it and you spam your E to get in faster than the owner. So basically you stole a car without sufficient reason and jumped off the roof while i was about to gently talk, and unfortunately it didn't look like a lag. Also, "FailRP" wasn't the reason of suspending you. "Stealing a car without sufficient reason, jumping off the roof to avoid punishment."
You stole a firetruck without any apparent reason from what I see here. That and this unban request is in violation of the following rule:

Rules for posting an unban request Wrote:6. Do not write an unban request if you broke the rules.

Anything to add?
(09-26-2013, 06:35 PM)Freezak Wrote: Finding loopholes isn't a nice way to get unbanned. Let me explain the reason of your ban once again. You stole a firetruck which was open, thus you broke a rule #12. Yes, #12. "Don't steal someones car when it's getting unlocked" - That means, don't steal it when it's unlocked at all, and don't steal it when someone is about to unlock it and you spam your E to get in faster than the owner. So basically you stole a car without sufficient reason and jumped off the roof while i was about to gently talk, and unfortunately it didn't look like a lag. Also, "FailRP" wasn't the reason of suspending you. "Stealing a car without sufficient reason, jumping off the roof to avoid punishment."

Denied for the reason stated above.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
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