Hello all,

Your name: [FL:RP] Visual

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5451249

Banning Admin: [FL] Thetimanator

Ban Length: 5000 minutes

Reason for the ban: Fail FearRP, random tazing

Why we should unban you: I was the Police Commander and saw a guy who was in his black Modena stuck at the road. I rammed him and he was free again but then he pulled out his ak. I stepped out and had my USP in my hand. I yelled at him to drop or holster his gun now or I will shot. After that he stepped back and I yelled it again. He still pointed his gun at me and I opened the fire on him.

My fail in this situation was that I tased Thetimanator randomly because he said: "why did you shoot me, i demand compensation" and I understand it as an assault because I didn't knew that word demand -.-. I already said sorry and I am realy sorry for that tase.

Thanks for your attention.

Ok, the ban was a little harsh, and i wasnt aware that you had the USP out while you told him to holster the gun. Ill shorten it to 2000 minutes next time I get on the server, it seems like a misunderstanding, and you didn't intentionally break the rules.
You had NO weapons in your hand. And you rammed my car, so I got MORE stuck. You came out of your vehicle, took out your USP, THEN you changed to your Mp5. While I had you at gunpoint, and with no RP at all you just open fire, even tho I was still talking to you. Your now lieing on your unban request. Nice.
I saw it all .. that Marius says that what really happened (witness)
1 more thing. You didn't even yell anything to me, not even twice.
Yes he did..
he yelled: Get out of the car right now. or kind like that ( Witness )
I wasn't in my car.
He yelled to you when you was in the car and when you wasn't in your car (witness)
Toast I think that was a time before that happend. Maybe SoulRipper can check the logs because I yelled that he should drop or holster his gun or I will open fire (standart yell).
Visual. You had no gun out when you stepped out of your car. So stop lieing.

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