Unban Request for "Esteemed Gentleman"
Your name: Esteemed Gentleman

Your ban ID: 37420

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic
Reason: "Adminsitrator impersonation, lying about it."

Involved: Myself, Narcotic and Spiffing Chap.

Why we should unban you: I was banned for basically no reason. When I was banned it was about 1AM in the morning (GMT) and I decided that seeing as I play on Fearless so much I would put on the tag. When it came to putting in the tag I had literally no clue that there was a difference between "[FL:RP] and [FL]", as I considered both of them to represent the same thing, namely the server. Obviously, some... individuals consider something as simple as 2 letters active, purposeful admin impersonation. For starters, if you were to check any chat logs you would see that at no point did myself or Spiffing Chap claim to be admins of any sort, nor did we say anything that would suggest such a thing. In addition, Narcotic claims that I lied about it, and I don't see how this makes any sense seeing as I told him that it was an innocent mistake AND I had changed my name (with the [FL] tag omitted, after other players mentioned it, even BEFORE Narcotic commented on the matter. In addition he claims that Spiffing Chap and myself must have done this before, this is the part that I really don't understand, especially seeing as I had only just added the FL at the time, and in addition it only shows it once in my Steam Community aliases section. Finally, Narcotic refused to accept the possibility that this was an innocent mistake and banned us before we could even explain ourselves fully. Therefore I move that this ban was completely unjust and should you actually give some time to check the logs and consider this matter LOGICALLY, not emotionally (as clearly happened at the time) then you will see that in truth, myself and my friend have done nothing wrong.
You're saying that after 143 hours and a donation you don't know the different between the tags you've been actively using in connection with impersonating a staff member?
In Response To Narcotic: a) Yes. It's not even mentioned in the rules anything about different tags and it isn't the most common topic when roleplaying, so no, I didn't know. And in addition, as your server logs should be able to tell you we are very on-off players as we try manage our work-life balance effectively., and b) Actively Using? I had that tag on for less then 5 minutes in my entire Steam Account's history, not actively. c) Can you show me one scrap of evidence in the logs that shows me TRYING to impersonate an admin, other than having that tag on briefly.
[Image: 5521f51ad2ad43d85555c12564adaada.png]

You don't know a single thing about tags? You're going to explain that then.
Two things about that Mr. Narcotic: a) I know there are DIFFERENT tags, but not that there was any difference between them, as far as I knew they all simply meant "Fearless". b) The "[FL:RP] Spyderr" is due to his recent ban, where people were asking eachother about what had happened to him, in order to interject I elected to change my name to his to see what people's reaction would be to seeing him on the server (not impersonating him, I did make it very clear that I was NOT him at the time). As a result of this I had copied and pasted his name from his ban, tag and all, with no "hmm, i must put this tag because I totally know it is different" chain of thought involved.
(09-14-2013, 12:15 AM)Narcotic Wrote: You're saying that after 143 hours and a donation you don't know the different between the tags you've been actively using in connection with impersonating a staff member?

Surely if it was our intention to use the tag to impersonate a staff member we would have changed our name at least once to one of the actual staff members on fearless? We did not do that, our names do not even come close to relating, we simply got the wrong tag; People identify admins by stars/smiley faces and names, not tags.
Appeal approved after further review.

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