Unban Request
Your name: Jarz

Your ban ID: 37184

Banned by: Grub

Reason: Space is empty, however the rest were banned for "Random Raid"

Involved: Dark Shadowfall, Bloody Doritos, Falcon, Packman, and I

Why we should unban you: The group and I were sweeping EvoCity for any contraband. We searched everywhere but the Industrial and the UM, but we decided to get the Industrials over with first. I went to MTL, the rest went to the red warehouse next to the tunnel. I called the group to the MTL, but decided it wasnt as suspicious as the warehouse, so we stakeout'd the warehouse. I jump out of my car fast, (And this plays big in the scenario.) and guarded the back door. The engine was still on. I thought I had heard some contraband inside, so I go to turn it off. But immediately when I get out and get into cover, the door opens. I call the group to the back.
We make contact for a brief second before the man next to the mustang closes the door again, and this is where I believe I saw a gun, which gave me reasonable suspicion to enter the building.
(I would like to point out here that 4 men had guns on the man, yet the man in the gasmask did not comply to our orders, which is an infraction of FearRP.)
Since I had the reason to enter the building, I shot the charges we had placed on the door. We enter the door, two going left two going right, but before we could search, we had gotten banned.

I seriously do not think this is fair.
Nobody? I'd like to discuss this.
These things take time, please be patient.
You are obviously letting parts out, this is a wall og messy text.

Did you work for the government, if yes, did you have a warrant?
Kindly elaborate your "groups" assignment and what you named it.
(09-10-2013, 07:04 AM)Narcotic Wrote: You are obviously letting parts out, this is a wall og messy text.

Did you work for the government, if yes, did you have a warrant?
Kindly elaborate your "groups" assignment and what you named it.

I'll answer those questions when I get home.
EDIT: I'll just answer them now: Officially, Yes and no. I was working as part of the government agency, but did not have an official set-in-stone government job, like a police officer. The President did approve our operations inside of his jurisdiction and told us to infiltrate any buildings we found suspicious of such malicious contaminants.

Our name was the "D.E.A.", or the Drug Enforcement Administration, and our goal was to rid the city of any contraband effectively and efficiently.
I really should add extra time for lying. Also Jarz, after I banned you, I added the reason afterwards, so don't be ignorant and look at the ban page.

but we decided to get the Industrials over with first.

So far I see you simply random raiding.

nd this is where I believe I saw a gun,

Funny because one of the folks inside had no rifle ammo. Plus the other guy had no weapon.

4 men had guns on the man, yet the man in the gasmask did not comply to our orders, which is an infraction of FearRP.

I'd like to point out he was building while you decided it would be good to randomly raid the building, in fact I was watching as of that time he was playing with his tool gun.

I'm going to get straight to the point. Instead of lying throughout your unban request because one, I was there a total of one to two hours undercover, how about you stop lying to try to get of a ban before I actually go ahead and increase the ban. Also your group sounds like a random raiding type group because you had no reason to raid. If you think you had a reason, then read the rules because clearly you don't understand them.

I seriously do not think this is fair.

I don't think its quite fair your "organization's" only purpose is randomly raiding with evidence you made up.

[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub

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