Ban request on Trekwars5
Name of player:trekwars5


Time in GMT:about between 07:30-08:00 GMT


Summary:I went online and I see a hugh propblock of public propety, not enough he was a cop and he made a dubbel door

Envolved:you can see that on the pictures

Evidence: check the photos i uploded.

Are you hiding something: NO im not hiding parts of the conversation, I took photos of everthing he said and uploded(not so much he didn't respond so good)

EDIT: I wouldn't like someone to check the logs and prove I didn't skip parts.

Take care
"Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it." - Benjamin Franklin
The link you provided does not seem to work. Please update with a working link.

Next review: 08/09/2013 12:00.

There you go!

I'm gonna uplode some new ignore them look at the old ones
"Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it." - Benjamin Franklin
Trekwars also did a bunch of proppushing on v2p.
Unable to find screenshot proving this incident.

Ban request denied.

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