For some reason, I cant see Servers.
Hello, servers been crashed for a bit now, and they came back online i can see it on Gametracker. But for some reason i cant join them OR see them in garrys mod, or the steam server list. But i can see them on gametracker and on fearless site that they are working. Any help with this please, would be appriciated.

If you click on one of the server status banner's above, Garry's mod won't connect?

If the server's won't appear in the server list you can easy create some shortcuts on your desktop to that server. using "steam://connect/" or other server. Or you can use my launcher (see signature).
Well ill see about that, but i use Direct connect i take the IP and just use Connect. and it wont connect to any of the 3 servers, or even see them, when i go throught the server banner it just pops out that steam Game Info and it says that the server is no responding. Its like it dosent get connected to me.
Hmmm... That is strange, Connecting to other servers works? (not FL servers) On that info I can look for a fix Smile
Yes any other servers, I dont know TTT sandbox, anything else works, but i cant see FL.
That is really weird. start up your gmod and type in console "heartbeat". Gmod is new defragging. It might have some results. If it is still not fixed, Try to reinstall gmod. And disable (I don't think that's the problem) your anti-virus/firewall. If it is still not fixed, try in cmd "ping <fearless server ip here>" and post the resuly here. That looks if your pc can reach Fearless.
I'm having the same problems as AssasIn. This is a problem ive never had before, and I've tried to reset the router, restart game, DNS flush and no result.
I've tried to google aswell, but with no luck.
I was afraid I was alone with having this problem.

Ping test: "Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again"

I can see other GMOD server without any problems..
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
I need help as well....
I have no idea whats going on, but I see I'm not alone.
Sadly I don't see any more options to fix it.

Temar! Halp us!
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
That's what I thought. This is something for the owner to deal with. Fearless can't reach your computer, or your computer can't reach fearless... Strange that you can acces the forum. I'm still looking for a fix
Other option is that FL blocked our IP's because of Ddos.
This happen one time to me on other server.
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk

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