BR on Cyberwasp
Name of player:cyberwasp

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35561909

Time in GMT: IDK

Server: V2P

Summary:ijust be prz after idemote half gorvemtn because isee them broke rules and NLR and fearRp then sednly ifind cyberwasp come to top floor and shot me so he just to take prz so he and his friends contion there failRP

you were Corleone, getting attacked by the police and SRU for taking hostiages. Then you switch to the vacant president spot and /demote all the government. Probably not the best idea to post a BR when your doing stuff like that.
(08-16-2013, 05:01 AM)cyberwasp Wrote: you were Corleone, getting attacked by the police and SRU for taking hostiages. Then you switch to the vacant president spot and /demote all the government. Probably not the best idea to post a BR when your doing stuff like that.

first of all we wear playing normaly and secand idemote who was broken rules they were Broke NLR FearRP Fail RP
and what happen if ibe prz you dont have right to kill
So nothing will chang let admin decid
yes of course the admin will decide, i just don't get your logic, your video was more incriminating of yourself than me.

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