Im sorry guys, I wanna repent
Your name: Kolt Veral SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40238240

Your ban ID: 29634

Banned by: [FL] Jokah

Reason: Scamming, lying to an admin

Involved: [FL] Jokah

Why we should unban you: Im sorry for what I've done, I lied, broke the rules, I've been thinking about making this request for months and didn't want to get shut down, me and my friends have all agreed this is by far the best server we've played on and talk about as we would a god, I don't expect you to accept this, I feel that after several moths of not playing here I understand the rules, I want another chance, I understand you don't owe me anything, but please, give me one more chance, I'm sorry for lying, and being a general shit all around, please give me a chance to show I'm better now.
Im not the best at talking, and tend to ramble, so the short sweet and to the point is that I'm sorry, I want another chance, I feel I've matured and that I know none of you owe me anything and would be incredibly kind to give me this chance
So you're telling me that in four months you have had a complete psychological reversal and are a completely different person now? In four months?

**EDIT** Apparently the word re.ver.sal is blocked...
Of course not, to make such a claim would be ridiculous, Im saying I have changed for the better and am asking for another chance
No, you were out to cause harm to others and blatantly lied to staff when confronted. A simple apology not only wouldn't suffice, but doesn't even seem believable from someone with a dishonest record like yours.

You have 24 hours to bring something new to the case discussion, otherwise this appeal gets denied.
Can you give me a chance? I won't be angry if this is declined, of course id be upset but I understand none of you owe me anything, can you give me a chance to prove myself?
Appeal denied.

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