Minge Party on v2p
Name of players: Ryan Stealth, [XR] Elbarto, Sweam, [FL:RP] Figo

Ryan Stealth STEAM_0:0:7058066
[XR] Elbarto STEAM_0:0:14689608
Sweam STEAM_0:0:37910312
[FL:RP] Figo STEAM_0:0:68304277

Time in GMT: (UTC+01:00) 00:30 - 01:04 AM

Server: v2p

Summary: I got CDMed by Elbarto and Ryan Stealth many times (not recorded). Then he proppushed his BMW to Parking Area. A few minutes later I got CDMed again (not recorded) and then I went out. Ryan Stealth parked his BMW at Nexus. I saw Elbarto when he was proppushing his Comet to Parking Area probably. Then I got RDMed by Ryan Stealth.

30 minutes later....

I connected to the server and I saw some propminges (Sweam and [FL:RP] Figo) proppushing everything. Then i stopped recording because my HDD was full. The whole server was upside down. Molotovs, proppushers, tranq snipers on rooftops. I can't belive that a guys with more than 400 hours is doing things like this.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGKVKh6FN...e=youtu.be
The car that i was pushing that was my car , it was already probpushed by "Sweam STEAM_0:0:37910312" , my only cause is to bring it down not to prop push people i swear

Good thing you have cut the part out where you were RDMing as a SS.
Else you would have been the person getting banned.

Also Paagrio recorded it the way he doesn't do anything wrong.
When he sees someone run a red light or anything similair. He will shoot your car IMMEDIATLY.
That's why my car was destroyed. And also bugged, Even after a 1000 dollar toolbox.

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