[FT:RP] Rain shorten ban
Your name: (Steam friends name) [FT:RP] Rain

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 35236

Banned by: (Admin that banned you) Termin

Reason: (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?) Steam Profile Ban request 35416 approved: Insulting players, extreme disrespect

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.) [FT:RP] Frenzyy, queL

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened) I would like it to be shortened as 5 days is quite harsh for text on a screen. the reason says insulting players when my remarks were made only too 1 player, and this is out of character completely for me as I very rarely kickoff at people like that. Partly another reason is that I currently have a marketplace thread where I build things for people for a price, and alot of those people are going to be dissapointed when they realise they are going to have to wait longer to get their stuff built. Lastly I would apologize to queL (I think thats his name) as I want to have a fresh start with him on the server, what I said was out of anger and I am sorry for that. I would request a OOC ban and LOOC ban (if those are possible) in return for my ban as I really want to be able to play the server and I feel as if this little occurence in return for 5 days was not worth it which is why I want to fix what I have done.
You called his girlfriend a slutty prostitute who sucks old dudes dicks for money?

If I would of got to the ban request first you would be at two weeks not five days.
Stuff I said were replies to things being said in mic towards me which I mislead to be queL saying stuff in mic due to being on low HP, and lets be happy you wernt at BR first then because you jump to conclusions too quickly quite clearly.
I don't care what the situation does.There is never a situation where you call out girlfriends or relatives anything near that.It's down right disrespectful and insulting. If you consider that okay and I'm jumping to conclusions you have a lot to learn.
That is your opinion so don't force it upon others to try to make them think its fact, I will not do it on Fearless after what has happened but just becuase you think its bad doesn't mean everyone else does. If you knew more about the area I live in you would understand.
You know the rules and as Fultzy said it could have been longer, wait it out.

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