Br on coolman65527
Name of player: coolman65527

Steam id of player: STEAM_0:1:60664492

Time of rule breaking: 12:10 ISH

Server where rule break took place: V2d

Summary About Rule breaking: I was just at the bp listening to music then suddenly something caught my eye. I pulled my camera out to get a better look at the item on the nexus. I noticed it was a flying prop hanging from the nexus. I took a few pictures about 10 minutes ago! There is no proof showing that he is the man up there but he was a citizen when i took the picture but that means not much since there was at-least 20 citizens.
Pictures Below


I hope the admins/mods get on top of this and ban whose responsible
Ban request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player, coolman 65527 (STEAM_0:1:60664492), was found violating rules regarding FailRP, floating prop.
Suspension will be applied for 1 day.

[FL] Aviator
Server Administrative Team

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