BR-on SiO!
playername: Sio !


Server: V33x

Time: 10 minutes before this post

Summarry:ok so I come in the tides hotel and I see a lot of guards they were messing araund camera spaming NOT DOING THEIR JOB then they want me out of there I was leaven then they trap me they were all areound me and they ask me fro 2k and I said why do u want 2k this is random hostaging and they just shot me

That's him mugging me..
and that's him shottign me wich is also RDM
Ban request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player, Sio ! (STEAM_0:0:20104613), was found violating rules regarding random hostage as a Security Guard, random deathmatch.
Suspension will be applied for 1 day.

[FL] Aviator
Server Administrative Team

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