BR for kert623
Name of player: kert623

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28354985

Time in GMT: 18:28 (Poland Time) 17:28 (UK Time)

Server: v2p

Summary: Prop Fly , Prop Climb , Random Kill , NLR , Base for Gun Dealer...


- I have Witness : ExCrashu , Rarmirs , Daro PL, BrajanSTGPL , Pese , Redink , JakubW, Wade
Yea i said it in my last post.
All of this is true.. Im saw this at my eyes..

Ban Kert..

Guys get some proof before you post and admins please ask anyone in the v2p server that Vitro`s are RDM cops and evryone who even goes near them cuz they just cant RP that last it may have been my prop but that wasnt me on the frking prop so yeah get more solid proof.
It's lie... Evryone want raid my base becuse I have 10 people and 50 contrabands... You breaking rules...
Ban request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player, kert623 (STEAM_0:1:28354985), was found violating rules regarding basing as a Gun Dealer, prop surfing.
Suspension will be applied for 5 days.

[FL] Aviator
Server Administrative Team

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