RDM - [FL:RP] JakubW
Name of player: [FL:RP] JakubW

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42606324

Time in GMT: 15 minutes ago

Server: v2p

Summary: I was waiting for backup as Sru while he came and said "I know you Prophet...", tranqs me and RDMs me while tranqed.




EDIT: He also tried to corrupt me for delete this BR:
I see this Action... And JakubW have reason for kill you... You raiding mafia Base in farm... And you run becuse you lose... JakubW want fallowing you and kill you... And JakubW win... And SRU breaking NLR you too...

It's fail BR...
Also you were lying,my friend that you were recording. So yeah. Tounge
Quote:I see this Action... And JakubW have reason for kill you... You raiding mafia Base in farm... And you run becuse you lose... JakubW want fallowing you and kill you... And JakubW win... And SRU breaking NLR you too...

It's fail BR...

how is a sru seeing a raid? was he patrolling? if he was patrolling he would have a longer ban
I have video ... tomorow i will post here link to YT
God's make me nervous, when man walk with weapon drawn.
(07-23-2013, 10:19 PM)Mafian94 Wrote: I have video ... tomorow i will post here link to YT

Ok... I wait for you video... And you speak "Patroling" SRU patroling? Oooookkkk...
(07-23-2013, 11:16 PM)KevinSTGPL Wrote:
(07-23-2013, 10:19 PM)Mafian94 Wrote: I have video ... tomorow i will post here link to YT

Ok... I wait for you video... And you speak "Patroling" SRU patroling? Oooookkkk...

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWeru_eHIBc
God's make me nervous, when man walk with weapon drawn.
Random tranq approved. Why were you waiting for backup Prophet?
On the radio the President ordered to every SRU to go to the Farms asap and I called backup because I saw a huge base with 5+ possible men in it (but then after 5 mins and that random tranq a I left the SRU job and when I respawned as citizen I saw 2 SRUs still in Nexus...)
(07-23-2013, 04:02 PM)KevinSTGPL Wrote: I see this Action... And JakubW have reason for kill you... You raiding mafia Base in farm... And you run becuse you lose... JakubW want fallowing you and kill you... And JakubW win... And SRU breaking NLR you too...

It's fail BR...

1. There only was me, JakubW and my SRU car. I don't think you can be a car or listen to us from 100metres of distance.
2. There only were citizens as I saw in there. Well if Corleones were basing with citizens... Not my problem.
3. You're not invlolved here, so shut up please.

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